When you begin your journey to success, it may become evident to you that you need a vision board. You don't know where to start with it, and you may need some vision board ideas to kick things off. Don't worry! We will guide you every step of the way and make sure that you have everything you need to get this right.
What is a Vision Board?
A vision board is a board that you decorate with things that remind you of what you want. The goal of a vision board is to keep your desires front and center. It's no different than why you should look at your goals every day. What you see and consume daily becomes what you are.
Vision boards take time to work. They are not magic lamps, and they do not cancel out your need to work. They more so provide you with a reason to keep doing the work.
Maybe some days, you don't want to get up, but then you see your vision board on your wall, and it reminds you of why you need to get up and do the work.
The board is just a collage of pictures, words, and ideas that represent your future.
There are not many rules to making one, and that can be daunting when getting started, and that is why you may need some vision board ideas from us.
How to Create a Vision Board
1. Set Your Goals
Before you can even start working on your vision board, you need some real tangible goals. Your vision board should be based on your goals that reflect the things that you are ready to work for.
Your goals lay the framework and provide some clarity on what direction you plan to go in life. Your goals are not about owning cars or houses. They are much more tangible and specific, but you need them to do step two well.
2. Reflect On Your Desires
Once you are achieving your biggest goals, what do you see your life looking like? Most people don't think about this enough. Instead, they figure out what they are going to do for a living instead of thinking of the lifestyle they want and then figuring out how they will get there.
Now is the time to think through your deepest desires. You want your vision board to be made of these desires. No matter what mood you're in, your vision board should have the power to change that if you put your strongest desires on it.
3. Collect and Cut
The fun part of making a vision board if you love arts and crafts is finding the material you will put on your vision board. Thee are no rules, and you can draw, sketch, cut from a magazine, and do so much more stuff that we cover here.
The thing to focus on here is getting as much raw material together. You make this board look; however, you want it to look!
4. Put it All Together
The last stage is putting the raw materials on the board. If you cut things out from magazines, then you will be doing a lot of glue work. If you plan to draw things out, then be prepared to do that as well. This is the part where you let all of your creativity shine.
Vision Board Ideas - What Do You Use
There are a lot of different things that you can add to your board. Don't feel limited to these vision board ideas below. If you have something creative you want to do, go for it!
You can put a word in big, bold letters to remind you of important things each day. It could be things like:
These are quick ways to make sure that the words you need to succeed are running through your brain daily.
Do you have a favorite quote? Put it on your vision board. One of my favorites quotes is, "You could not climb the mountain if it were smooth," and I put that quote everywhere. It reminds me to keep going.
If you have a quote or a bible verse that you want to remember every day, don't be scared to put it up on your vision board.
Self - Affirmations
Self - Affirmations are like goals and words, depending on how you use them. But these affirmations serve a much different purpose. The same way you use the vision board to see your success, you use affirmation to speak and hear about your success.
Put anything on your board that you like to tell yourself when you look at yourself each day. It could be a simple phrase that you use to boost your confidence.
If you have the skills to draw things out just how you like to, you can take your time and do that. Sketching, doodling, and painting would all fall into this category as well.
Vision Board Ideas - Styles You Can Use
It's essential that you get some different vision board ideas without feeling pressure to copy others. I could post pictures of some of my boards or examples of other boards people have done, but it's not about them. It's about your vision board and how you want to attack this project.
1. Annual Goals
You can do a board where you lay out all of your goals in a creative way. This should be easy since you already sat down and thought about your goals. Now you would just need to find images, words, and quotes to symbolize your intentions. These boards are best placed in a place that is easy to see right when you wake up and go to bed.
2. Burlap Vision Board
You can style your vision board by covering it with a base layer of burlap. If you're the type to love burlap, then you will love doing this. Then you build everything on your board using this burlap theme. This vision board idea is not so much about the content as it is about the style and how you can mix this style with some other ideas if you choose to.
3. What Matters Board
These boards get away from the typical big house and fast car vision boards that some people think of. The what matters board focuses on your home life, family, love, and anything else that you can't buy. You can buy a beautiful house, but you can't buy a wonderful home life. You can buy a company, but you can't buy love.
4. Travel Life
Do you know what countries you would love to visit? Remind yourself of where you would like to be. If travel motivates you more than anything, then this is the board for you. If you have specific locations you want to visit in different countries, put it on your vision board.

5. Dream Life
The dream life board is focused on your wildest dreams. You use this board to visualize how you want your life to look. Think back to when you were a kid, what did you want? It does not matter how wild or unrealistic the dream may seem, and there is room for it on this board.
6. Your Year
Your year is one of the cooler vision board ideas because so many people come into the year saying that it's their year. You have probably done that many times. This board's point is to remind you that it is your year and show you what's going to happen to make it your year. The board forces you to stop just talking and think through what you plan to accomplish in the next 365 days.
7. The Inner Journey
The inner journey board is just a representation of the changes you are making inside. You want to make this board as private as you can. You put a board in a room in your house that only you go into like a private bathroom or in a walking closet. It represents all the changes that you are making to better yourself.
8. I Am Statements
The I Am statements are so powerful, and we love this vision board. In our app Habit Stacker, we allow users to enter three I AM Statements to help set the tone for who they want to be. The vision board is just putting everything you want to be front and center.
Often, I am statements work for things you are not or things you are, but you don't see inside yourself. When you see this board, you get up and read each I am statement every day.
9. Fit Life Board
The fit life board is the board that represents what you want for your body. You can put up healthy food, pictures of body parts you want to improve like abs, or you can show a marathon race if that is one of your fitness goals. There are no rules here, but whatever you see as your fitness goals go on this board.
10. No More Excuses
The no-excuses board is not popular because it takes guts to admit you complain and make too many excuses for your failures. The board is one of the most powerful, though, because you commit yourself to get certain things done no matter. You layout all the things you want to get done, and you put no more excuses in the middle of it.
11. Kids Vision Board
All of these ideas can work for kids as well. Its great to get kids working on vision boards earlier. Its so powerful when a kid can look back at vision boars they made as a kid and a lot of what they wanted has come true. The goal to get a kid started is to keep it fun and don't pressure them to put anything on their board that they dont want.
12. Spiritual
The spiritual can be similar to the inner journey board. Instead of just focusing on how you will get better, the focus here is on your spiritual journey. For some, this can be a religious board, but spirituality can mean different things to different people. Whatever it means to you, represent it on this board and show where you want to go with your spiritual growth.
13. Couple Board
The couple board is one of the most underrated boards. The board can extend to a family board as well. There is nothing more powerful than getting many minds on the same page. Too many people set their life vision without considering their family and how it may affect them. When you make a couple of boards, it helps you figure out what you both want from life.
Conclusion of Vision Board Ideas
Now you have no reason to not attack your vision board this year. You have all of the vision board ideas you could use and know what types of arts can go on your vision board. Now you need to take the time to do it.
The vision board is a commitment to what you want in your life. When you put it up and see it each day, it will motivate, inspire, and may even upset you sometimes because you are not doing what you are supposed to do. There will be a lot of emotions that come from eh vision board.
Nothing is cooler than looking back on your life years later, and seeing that everything you put on your vision board came true. That is a special feeling to know that you set out to get something and followed through.