Angela Bassett Net Worth = $25 Million

Angela Bassett is a celebrated American actress, voice actor, film producer, and activist. She's best known for her biopics, where she played African-American celebrities. Angela Evelyn Bassett was born on August 16, 1958, in New York City, USA.

She went to Jordan Park Elementary School, Ciega High School, and Yale University. Angela started acting seriously while in college, and she has never looked back. She came to the limelight in 1991 after playing a key role in a film called "Boyz n the Hood."

Other early works by Bassett include "The Jacksons: An American Dream," "What love has to do with it," and "Waiting to Exhale," among others. Angela has also appeared on several TV shows, and she has voiced several animated films. She has also directed and produced many films throughout her career.

Angela has a net worth of approximately $25 million as of 2021.

Full Name

Source of Wealth

Known for

Birth Info

Angela Evelyn Bassett

Actress, voice actor, film producer, and activist

Her biopics where she played African-American celebrities

New York City, USA


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Quotes - Angela Bassett Net Worth and Key Habits

“It's important to surround yourself with good people, interesting people, young people, young ideas.

- Angela Bassett

“Go places, learn new stuff. Look at the world with wonder - don't be tired about it.”

- Angela Bassett

“I really believe that what I do as an actress is my God-given talent. This is my calling, not my career.”

- Angela Bassett

“The three things I said when I came out of school were I want to work consistently, I want to do good work and I want to be paid fairly, and that's happened.”

- Angela Bassett

“I am content that the work that I've done is wonderful.”

- Angela Bassett

“I guess I'm breaking out a little of what's comfortable and easy.”

- Angela Bassett

“I want my children to experience as much creativity as possible. That's what sets your mind on fire.”

- Angela Bassett

“I'd tell my 20-year-old self, 'Don't be afraid to do it all. Whatever you're interested in, just go for it. Don't wait around for a better time.'”

- Angela Bassett

“Don't settle for average. Bring your best to the moment. Then, whether it fails or succeeds, at least you know you gave all you had. We need to live the best that's in us.”

- Angela Bassett

Angela Bassett Net Worth and Key Habits

Habits #1- Surround Yourself With Good People 

The people that you interact with can determine whether you'll fail or excel in your career. According to Angela Bassett, "It's important to surround yourself with good people, interesting people, young people, young ideas." That's why the actress only interacts with good and interesting people.

You have to be careful when choosing your friends and business partners. Most importantly, you should avoid people that don't believe in you. Instead, always surround yourself with people that give you a favorable environment and support as you work on your goals.

Read - 7 Ways to Surround Yourself With People Who Want to Be Great

It's important to surround yourself with good people, interesting people, young people, young ideas.

Habits #2- You Have To Chase Your Dreams

Angela Bassett believes that you have to use every available opportunity to pursue your dreams. She once said, "I'd tell my 20-year-old self, 'Don't be afraid to do it all. Whatever you're interested in, just go for it. Don't wait around for a better time.'"

Some people fail to achieve their dreams because they don't pursue them. You can never achieve anything in life if you fear making mistakes and losses. Therefore, you shouldn't hesitate to pursue something that you love. If you make mistakes and losses along the way, learn from them and keep pushing.

Read - Life is Short – Go Make That Dream Happen

"I'd tell my 20-year-old self, 'Don't be afraid to do it all. Whatever you're interested in, just go for it. Don't wait around for a better time.'"

Habits #3- Strive To Do Your Best

It's good to do your best in every task that you work on, irrespective of whether you fail or succeed. Angela Bassett is on record for saying, "Don't settle for average. Bring your best to the moment. Then, whether it fails or succeeds, at least you know you gave all you had. We need to live the best that's in us."

Always do your best in whatever you do if you want to live without regrets. That way, you don't blame yourself if you don't get the desired results. In other words, you should aim at becoming the best in your industry. Don't just work hard so that you can pay bills. On the contrary, you should work to make a name for yourself, accumulate wealth and change the lives of people around you.

Read - 35 Awesome Do Your Best Quotes To Get More Out of Life

Don't settle for average. Bring your best to the moment. Then, whether it fails or succeeds, at least you know you gave all you had. We need to live the best that's in us.

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Summary - Angela Bassett Net Worth and Key Habits


Habits #1- Surround Yourself With Good People 


Habits #2- You Have To Chase Your Dreams


Habits #3- Strive To Do Your Best

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