When it comes to fashion, not all outfits are created equal. There’s a certain outfit that is perfect for the gym and others that would be better off reserved for a picnic with friends. If you’re still a little nervous about your first time going to the gym, we understand. Remember that everyone was once in your place and no one knows what he or she is doing at first. You can always ask someone for advice or give them a helping hand (literally) when it comes to working out!
When it comes to working out, it’s important to make sure you’re properly dressed. The last thing you want is your clothes getting in the way of putting forth your best effort. With that being said, here are some outfit options that’ll help you look good while working out at the gym!
1 – Athletic Shorts And Tanks
Your first instinct might be to wear a pair of baggy shorts to the gym combined with a shirt that’s just as loose. This is not only unappealing but also very impractical. When you’re working out, you’ll be lifting weights and running around for most of your exercises. It makes no sense to move around in clothes that are going to get in the way of everything you’re trying to accomplish. Also, remember that you don’t need to spend an arm and a leg just to buy good clothes. You can take a look online for coupons from various sites, including https://www.dealdrop.com/muscle-nation, to find something that works for you. Make sure to find something that fits your bank account and your body.
Athletic shorts that end above or near the knee go over very well in gyms because they’re functional yet stylish. The combination of breathable fabric with “Charged Cotton” technology allows your skin to breathe while keeping it dry for maximum comfort. They also look great on guys!
Tanks are great for summertime workouts since men will get hot so wearing something lighter, airy and absorbent will really get them comfortable while working out. These shirts look great and perform even better. They don’t ride up on you while exercising so no need to worry about yanking them back down all the time.
2 – Compression Shorts
Prefer wearing nothing but shorts? That’s fine with us! As long as they’re compression shorts, you’ll be safe.
Compression shorts are great at keeping everything where it needs to be and covering up what needs to be covered (such as your deltoids and the back of your knees). Not only this, but crotch guards make sure we don’t show off anything we don’t want too. The good thing about these is that they look like regular workout shorts.
3 – A Tracksuit For Your Workouts
Nothing’s better than getting a full body workout done without having to change your clothes. With a tracksuit, you can easily work up a sweat with all the different types of exercise classes they have at the gym! This Adidas Track Jacket is great because even though it’s made from lightweight material, it still provides good coverage and warmth so you don’t feel exposed and uncomfortable when working out at high-intensity. You’ll definitely be sweating in this one so make sure not to wear anything inside that will stain or leave marks since none of us wants to show up for our next class with yellow sweat marks on our clothes!
4 – Towels And Water Bottles For The Gym
There’s nothing worse than showing up to class after your workout soaked in your own sweat. Towels are great for absorbing all that excess moisture so you can leave the gym feeling dry and refreshed. Not only do they feel good to wipe off with but they also look really good in photos. For water, it’s obvious that you’d want to stay hydrated and bring a bottle with you to the gym so you always have something to drink when you get thirsty.
5 – Athletic Shoes And Socks
Any athletic shoe will do when working out at the gym because all your doing is walking around or running on a treadmill but make sure they’re not too worn out or else you might end up slipping and seriously hurting yourself (or worse damage property!)
If you’re new to the gym scene, it can be hard to know what is in style and what’s not. Luckily for you, we’ve put together a few pointers that will help make sure your time at the gym looks like fun instead of prison! Make sure that whatever clothes or shoes you wear are comfortable enough so they don’t get in the way when lifting weights or running on treadmills. After all, if your workout sucks because of how uncomfortable your clothes are then why bother going back?