One of the best things that you can do with your time is to learn something new. Learning is a great way to make sure that you are improving and keeping up with the times. It's always an excellent way to avoid getting bored or falling into the routine of doing the same old each day.

What new thing are you going to learn each day, and what type of impact is doing this going to have on your life? You want to spend your time learning things that keep life interesting, but it does not hurt if it leads to skills that can make you more valuable.

"The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as long as we live." - Mortimer Adler 

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What You Will Learn in This Article 

Why Do You Need to Learn Something New? 

Before you dive into ideas of what to learn, you need a solid understanding of why you need to learn something new in the first place.

There is a good reason that most of the successful people in the world are huge readers. People like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Warren Buffet are known for being ferocious readers and learners. Do you think you can be successful without having to improve continually?

Learning helps you keep your mind sharp, it produces an attitude of progress, and it keeps your perspective open as you continue to be introduced to new ideas. Most people graduate from college and stop reading and learning, and they get stagnant.
Successful people want to stay on top, so they keep pushing themselves to learn what is next or understand where they could be better. As they read more, they know how to see things from the eyes of different people.

  • The most successful people in the world are all huge learners 
  • Learning helps to keep your mind sharp and it opens your perspective
  • The more you learn the hungrier you get to want to learn more 

How to Learn Something New

To learn something new, you need to break it down into two stages; the first is for the beginner, and the second is for someone seeking mastery. 

Learning for The Beginner

If you are genuinely approaching learning something for the first time, you want to be around people who will be very encouraging. You want to practice the most natural things that you can and get as many small wins as possible. 

When you start learning something, you don't want to get challenged too much because it will leave you discouraged, and you will be more likely to quit. The best way to begin is to keep your enthusiasm high as you do more natural things. 

Learning to Seek Mastery

The mistake people make is not realizing when they need to switch to the mastery learning track. When you have been working on learning something, and you move past being a beginner, it can be easy to plateau. You stop getting better, and as a result, you want to give up because you get bored. 

Enter in deliberate practice. Deliberate practice is where you work on the most challenging aspects of your skills. Instead of working to have fun, you now work on things outside of your comfort zone. 

The second aspect of deliberate practice is having clear goals and getting immediate feedback from a coach. You will have someone who can tell you that you are doing it wrong, right away, and that can help you do it the right way. Deliberate practice is how you master a skill. 

  • There are two different learning tracks: One for beginners and one for those seeking mastery
  • When beginning you want to work on things that are fun and be encouraged 
  • When seeking mastery you need to work on the difficult things and get tough feedback
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Best Websites and App to Learn Something New 


  • Estimated Time: 5-10 minutes
  • Reason to Use: Helps to keep your learning brain sharp
  • Topics: Math, speaking, writing, listening, reading
  • Try It Out!

Habit Stacker

  • Estimated Time: 5 minutes 
  • Reason to Use: Will help you track your learning habits 
  • Topics: Habit building strategies 
  • Try it Out!


  • Estimated Time: 5-15 minutes
  • Reason to Use: Learning a new language is a great way to increase your value 
  • Topics: 35 languages for speakers of English
  • Try it Out!

Holy Bible App 

  • Estimated Time: 10- 30 Minutes
  • Reason to Use: Understand Gods' Beautiful Story 
  • Topics: Salvation, Love, Endurance, Marriage and much more...
  • Try It Out!

LinkedIn Learning

  • Estimated Time: 20-30 Minutes
  • Reason to Use: Business focused and a lot of employers recognize it 
  • Topics: Business, career development, marketing, design, using software, HR and more
  • Try it Out!


  • Estimated Time: 10-30 Minutes 

  • Reason to Use: A large variety of different courses 
  • Topics: Anything that you can think of 
  • Try it Out!


  • Estimated Time: 20-30 Minutes
  • Reason to Use: Learn to code for Free
  • Topics: HTML, CSS, Python, Ruby, PHP, Java Script and more 
  • Try it Out!


  • Estimated Time: 20-30 Minutes 
  • Reason to Use: Great courses for creatives 
  • Topics: Illustrator, design, business, writing, animation 
  • Try it Out!


  • Estimated Time: 5-30 minutes 

  • Reason to Use: Free and you already know how to use it
  • Topics: Everything you can think of 
  • Try it Out!

Paid Online Courses 

  • Estimated Time: Variable 

  • Reason to Use: You can learn from a specific person you trust 
  • Topics: There are courses for everything you can imagine


  • Estimated Time: 5 minutes - 180 minutes (if you're Joe Rogan)
  • Reason to Use: Can listen anywhere for free
  • Topics: There is a podcast for every topic
  • Try it Out!


  • Estimated Time: 5 - 60 minutes

  • Reason to Use: Fascinating talks
  • Topics: Everything you can think of
  • Try it Out!


  • Estimated Time: 5-30 minute sessions 
  • Reason to Use: Free access to library audio books 
  • Topics: Everything your library has
  • Try it Out!

Ideas When You Want to Learn Something New 

1. Speed Reading

When Warren Buffet was asked what superpower he wished he had, his answer was reading faster. If that does not tell you the power to learn more quickly, then nothing will.
Speed reading is not just about going through information faster; it can also comprehend information at faster rates. Small improvements in your reading time can mean a lot of saved time throughout your life.

2. Learn a New Sport 

When it comes to physical activity, people tend to gravitate towards things they are familiar with. Fighters keep fighting, runners keep running, and hoopers keep hooping. How uncomfortable would it be to dive into a sports you're not good at and that you don't know a lot about.

Physically, doing a sport outside of your comfort zone can be one of the best things for your mind and body. It will teach you to think and move differently.

3. Speak a New Language

Learning a new language is one of the easiest ways to increase your value. In a world that is seeing more and more globalization, the ability to communicate with people in other countries will only increase in vlaue. 

The only way to get better at speaking a new language is to practice it everyday. There are so many tools, programs and apps out there that can help you get started. 

4. Investing 

If you're going to be successful and make a lot of money, you're going to have to learn how to invest so you can keep the money. When money has no plan, it tends to run off and jump in other people's pockets.

Spend time learning about every area of investing and see what pulls you in the most. It could be crypto, stocks, derivatives, real estate, or many other options.

5. Play a New Instrument

Playing a new instrument is a great way to train the musical part of your brain. Even if you already have mastered an instrument, playing a new one will present its challenges.

One of the best things you can do to turn this into a daily habit is to store the instrument in a place that is easy to see. As long as it's easy to see, you will be more likely to pick up and practice it.

6. Fix Your Car or Home

If you want to learn something new, reap the benefits while also saving one, fixing things yourself is a great way to go. We have become a society of specialists, and most people pay to get things fixed. What this has done is taken away peoples need to learn how to fix things.

There is a tonne of videos on Youtube that can help you fix many of the problems you have have. Watch and learn and then go out and start doing it.

7. Learn How to Draw Better

You don't have to be talented or creative in choosing this option. Everyone can learn how to draw better because you never know when you're going to need it or wish that you could sketch better.

8. Improve Your Photoshop Skills

Learning how to use Photoshop will not only be helpful for your personal life so you can improve things like social media or your photo albums. The second benefit of learning how to use this software better is you will increase your value in the marketplace.

There is not one employer that does not wish that they had more people who mastered Photoshop. It's a skill you can get paid for with your employer or even do freelance work.

9. Practice Some Stand Up 

Work on your comedic skills until you are comfortable making jokes for an audience. Doing this will help you build confidence because if you can stand up in front of people and keep making jokes after hearing crickets, you will tackle anything in life. 

10. Master The Basics of Photography 

These days you can take excellent pictures just with a Phone. Why not learn how to do this even better by understanding some of the basic concepts of photography.

The better you get with a camera, the better your pictures will be, and who knows what opportunities can turn into.

11. Grow Your Own Food

Growing food is way harder than it looks, but there is also so much that is outside of your control when it comes to weather and soil quality. Growing your food is a challenge you will not forget, but it's very rewarding if you succeed.
You never know how the world will change, but being able to feed yourself is one of the essential skills that you should have. If not, you will always have to depend on someone else to feed you.

12. Learn to Cook Like a Top Chef 

Whether you can grow your food or go to the store, you need to be able to prep it to turn it into a desirable meal. There are so many tricks of the trade that you can learn to improve in this area.

Cooking is a skill that will pay you back many times over throughout your life. You eat every day and how much more confident will you be inviting someone to your house to eat when you know you can cook right.

13. Learn to Fight 

Learning a form of martial arts or self-defense can prepare you for the worst-case scenarios of life. Not only can this skill keep you healthy and in shape, but it can save your life.
When you are learning to fight in a controlled environment, you will face so many challenges that you may not be used to, but it will build confidence.

14. Re-purpose Furniture 

Old furniture is made to look new is the in thing now, and people have no problem paying for it. If you have some old stuff around the house, instead of throwing it out, refinish it and sell it to someone.

15. Learn to Dance 

Most people go their whole life learning to dance by just moving randomly. Try and take a stab at learning a particular style of dance. Know that at any moment, you can grab a partner and wipe out a dance with real steps and counts.

16. Start a Fire From Scratch 

Here are skills that you never know when you will need to pull it out. Even if you don't need it in real life, you could still have a tonne of fun learning how to do one of humankind's most primitive skills.

17. Learn to Sew

Sewing is one of the most underrated skillsets. It has so many practical applications like shortening and lengthening pants, filling in holes, creating new garments, etc. People don't know how to sew any more like they used to, so it made it that much more valuable skill.

18. Learn Life Saving Skills Like CPR

You never know when you will be in an emergency and incapable of helping because you don't know CPR. Like self-defense, this is a skill set that could save some lives. The problem is that when you wish you had the skill, it's already too late. 

19. Reshape Your Bad Habits 

Spend time focusing on what behaviors and actions you consistently take that are not in your favor. Doing this is just as important as adding positive habits. Some of the top negative habits that people want to get rid of including smoking, porn, and eating too much sugar.
Using a habit tracker app can help you to keep track of how you're doing. As you eradicate these bad habits, you will free up more of your time and consciousness to focus on positive habits. You don't realize how much negative habits are holding you back until you let go of them.

20. Improve Your Self Awareness

Improving yourself awareness means that you begin to plug into what is happening around you a lot more. Have you ever talked with someone who just seems to have no idea who is around them or what is going on around them. You almost feel bad for them.
One of the best things you can train yourself to do is pay attention. See what people are doing and what they are saying, pay attention to body language, and any tensions that are maybe building. Understand how your words can help and hurt others, as well.

21. Improve Research Skills

Don't just take information at face value. Go and dig in, read some papers, buy some books, and learn everything you can on a topic until you are well researched. Approach everything in the way that scientists would. The better your research skills are, the more reputable that your words will be.

22. Improve Budgeting Skills 

Spend some time learning how you can better budget your money. There are so many teachings and systems on this that you never know if you have found the right system until you try a few out. Some work well for certain families and personalities, and others don't. Making the time to work on your budget will pay off in stronger finances and less time stressing about money. 

23. Learn to Swim Like a Pro

Most of the world is covered in water, yet there is a tonne of people who fear large bodies of water. You never know when you will be in a situation where you will wish you knew how to swim well.
Take the lessons you need to learn how to swim like a pro. No matter how old you are, it will be worth it. Swimming is also one of the healthiest forms of exercise because there is no impact on your joints.

24. Improve Ability to Do Nothing 

One of the hardest things for people who are going getters is just to be able to relax. To enjoy doing nothing for a day and just basking in the goodness of life. If you're reading this, you love to be on the go and feel like you're getting better and moving forward, but don't forget to take time just to relax. 

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Make It a Habit to Learn Something New Everyday

The key here is that you turn as much of this learning into a new habit. Then you don't have to think about whether you're learning more or not. When its a habit, you know you're getting it done daily, and it's becoming a part of who you are.
When you turn it into a habit, you then want to avoid getting into a rut. You never wish just to get it done to check a box. The way you avoid this is with deliberate practice. Deliberate practice is where you consistently challenge yourself and work on complicated things and also seek ways to get instant feedback.

Learn Something New

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