Everyone wants to get to their dedicated work. Some too many people feel stuck in jobs they don't like. They are not doing their real work. If writing is what you want to do more, you need to do a writer's work. A writer's work can only be accomplished by developing impeccable writing habits.

When you do a writer's work, you decide to go pro with your writing. Gone are the day of amateur writing where you only do it now and then when you feel like it. The best authors are professionals, and you see that in their daily writing habits.

Success can be simple if you allow it to be. Figure out what you want to do and then look at the best people in that field already do. In this article, you decide how to find your writer's work, but following the five tried and proper writing habits of the best authors.

“Indeed, learning to write may be part of learning to read. For all I know, writing comes out of a superior devotion to reading.” — Eudora Welty

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What is a Writer's Work?  

A writer's work is simply the work that a writer must get done to become a serious writer. Any human being that is capable of writing could technically call themselves a writer. We are trying to reach a different level of the writer here. Gone are the days of being a casual writer. It's time to turn pro!

What Does It Mean to Go Pro as a Writer? 

  • Show Up Daily to Write
  • Show Up No Matter What 
  • Stay on Your Writing All Day 
  • Make the Commitment for the Long Run 
  • The Stakes Need to Be Real 
  • You Desire to Improve 
  • Blame and Praise is Expected 

When you find your writer's work, and you go pro, it means that you take your writing seriously. Think about the difference between an NBA player and a weekend warrior who loves to play pick-up on the weekend. 

The weekend warrior shows up now and then. If the weather is terrible or they do not feel up to it, they have no issue skipping a day. He will play for an hour or so until tired.

If they get busy and have other things going on, they will not play for a while. If they lose, it doesn't matter that much. They also don't do very much to improve their game. They want to have fun. 

The Professional Looks Much Different 

The NBA player is committed to playing basketball daily. There is nothing that is going to stop them from going to practice. When they practice, they spend hours and hours at the gym doing what is needed. They have committed much of their life to the sport. They are always looking for little ways to improve. 

The pro approaches their work much differently. They are serious about their success, and they expect to be paid accordingly. 

When you find your writer's work, and you go pro, it means that you take your writing seriously. Think about the difference between an NBA player and a weekend warrior who loves to play pick-up on the weekend. 

Why You Need Writing Habits to Accomplish a Writer's Work?  

 You need to have a mission, goals, and habits to find success in life. Most people only have goals, but the goals have no mission to chase and no habits to support them, and that is a problem.

Mission - Goals - Habits

  • Mission = What you want to accomplish on your deathbed
  • Long -Term Goals = Goals that feed into your mission for the next 5 - 25 years 
  • Short-Term Goals = Goals that give into your larger goals for the next week - 5 years
  • Habits = Daily actions that move you're towards your goals

When your goals have no mission, you begin to lose sight of the bigger picture. You could be working your tail off and begin to ask what it's all for? Your mission is the reason. It's your driver and the why behind everything you're doing. 

When your goals don't have habits, it's also a problem because your dreams have no support. Anyone can say they have a goal to write ten books or to make a NYT bestseller. That all sounds amazing, but what are you going to do each day to make sure that happens? 

Goals fixate on a future outcome. Habits fixate on what you do with your days. If you commit to writing 2000 words a day, you will eventually have enough content to create multiple books. You will have increased odds of writing a New York Times Best Seller. Just having the goal is not enough. 

The Goal is Going Pro 

The goal you should have right now is to go pro. You need to take your writing to another level. You no longer are someone who writes, but you're a writer now. 

The question then becomes, what habits do writers rely on? These will be the habits that support your goal of going bro and becoming a great writer. 

Going pro means that people in your life should see a noticeable difference in you. Think about how most people can easily spot the NBA player vs. the weekend warrior if you watched their life. The same should be true of you. When people see your daily life, they should know that you're a writer. 

Be Process Driven

Who do you think has a better chance of success between these two people.

  • Person 1 - Has a goal of becoming the best writer to live
  • Person 2 - Has no goals but each day writes 2000 words and reads for an hour

With just the information above, most people would choose person two, but why? The reason is that the example shows how useless goals are on their own. A goal is just something you desire, and though it can move you in that direction, the daily action you take matters much more. 

Person two is focused on the process of success. Person one is just worried about the results. Results come from actions, so if you want specific products, you need to chase after the right steps. 

When you decide to become process-driven, it changes how you do everything. You let go of all the results that you would like to see for a second. Instead, you focus on what you can do every day to move closer. As a writer, if you read for an hour and put in two hours of concentrated writing, you will improve. 

When your goals don't have habits, it's also a problem because your dreams have no support. Anyone can say they have a goal to write ten books or to make a NYT bestseller. That all sounds amazing, but what are you going to do each day to make sure that happens? 

5 Powerful Daily Writing Habits  to Achieve Your Writer's Work 

These are the 5 top habits used by writers all over the world to produce high-quality work.

1. Write on Schedule Everyday

The best writers don't rely on motivation. Writing is not optional. They don't allow themselves to not feel like writing. Successful writers write on schedule each day.

Their motivation comes not from feeling like writing, but knowing that a writer's work must be done. When you know your calling needs to be completed, you are excited about working on your actual work. 

If you want to be a writer, it's not so much about how many words you write, what matters most of all is that you show up to write. You can never finish a book, article, paragraph, or even a sentence if you don't show up to do your writing.

2. Read Like a Maniac

Readers are always writers. You need to infiltrate your brain with ideas continually. Reading helps to expand your vocabulary. Reading is like an update for your brain's software. 

Think about if the apps on your phone never updated? That means the apps would stay as the first version forever. The coolest thing about software is that it can continuously change and get better.

Your brain is the same. If you're not reading and continuously learning, your mind is running on old software. You're working with old ways of thinking, or even incorrect frameworks. Reading allows you to see new perspectives and use new ideas to your advantage.

3. Edit Your Work Another Day 

You should do some editing every day, but it should not be the work you just wrote. You want to write and then take a few days to step back from your writing. Then approach it again and edit that work. 

Edit is an opportunity to read and review your raw work. It's a chance to see where you're improving and where you still need work before you hand your career off to another person to edit.

Editing also helps you to appreciate your craft more. It's easy to hand off to someone else to clean up your mess, so you should make an effort to clean it yourself first.

4. Journal Your Thoughts 

Great writers always have a notebook or journal nearby to record their thoughts. It would help if you still had an outlet to express your thoughts and whatever is going on in your mind. Writing is more than just writing for your professional work, but you also need to write about what is going on in your head. 

Keeping a journal also makes it easy to reflect on how everything has been going in your life. If you notice many days where you have been feeling down and out, maybe you're due for a rest day to help your mind recover a bit. You won't know this information if you don't write these things down.

5. Meditation 

The final habit of top writers is taking time to meditate each day. Meditation is a chance to step away from words and reading altogether. Meditation is an opportunity to clear the mind, process your vision, and think on a deeper level. 

Everything you write stems from the mind. If the reason is not ok, the writing will not be either. Meditation is the opportunity to slow down in our world, obsessed with being as busy as possible.

Meditation is an opportunity to reset and focus on breathing deeply. The breathing alone can energize you for your writing because many people get stuck living shallow all day and don't even know it.

The best writers don't rely on motivation. Writing is not optional. They don't allow themselves to not feel like writing. Successful writers write on schedule each day.

Attack Your New Writing Habits In The Morning

One of the best things you can do to ensure that you get your writing habits done each day is to show up in the morning. The morning is a time in your day that should be reserved for the most critical tasks. Too many people waste the morning for getting ready for the day.

The majority of people set their alarm clock so they can wake up as late as possible. The problem with doing this is that your most productive time of the day is wasted. No one ever wakes up in the morning to waste time watching TV.

In the morning you have the most amount of willpower and as the day goes on it depletes. This is why it's easier to make poor eating choices and watch a lot of TV in the evening.

The way to fight this is to front-load your days. Wake up an hour earlier than usual to start, and get into your reading and writing to start your day. You will feel more accomplished each day. The professional gets right to their most important work.

In the morning you have the most amount of willpower and as the day goes on it depletes. This is why it's easier to make poor eating choices and watch a lot of TV in the evening.

Dive Deeper Into Your Writer's Work 

If you want to learn more about the habits of a top writer, check out the JK Rowling Top 3 Habits for Success. The Author oh Harry Potter has become a billionaire from her famous books that turned into movies. 

Once you do start writing you may have some troubling with writing consistently due to blocks. Here you can learn how to Overcome Writer's Block. By the time you finish a reading it, you will be able to write daily without having to stop. 

Do you want to know the habits of other top writers like:

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