Asmongold Net Worth = $1.5 Million

Asmongold is a young American streamer, video gamer, video blogger, and internet personality. Many people know Asmongold for his posts on social media platforms about the World of Warcraft game. He also streams video games on his YouTube and Twitch channels. The online gamer was born Zack Rawrr on 20, April 1990 in Austin Texas, USA.

Zack has had a passion for video games since when he was a small boy. He used to play various video games with his friends and relatives. Asmongold bought his first game at the age of 16 years from a friend for $20. He later started playing the World of Warcraft before becoming a professional video gamer. Asmongold dated Pink Sparkles, a fellow streamer, up to 2018 but they separated in 2019.

Zack started playing World of Craft in 2006 as Asmongold. He started by playing off the camera but later started streaming his experiences on Twitch in 2011. His Twitch channel has over 70 million views.

Asmongold opened a YouTube channel in 2013 and continued to stream his gaming experiences on it. Some of his popular videos include “The State of Battle for Azeroth", “Ноw Муthіс Nіght Ноld Аlmоѕt Dеѕtrоуеd mу Guіld” and “Ноw tо Соrrесtlу Рlау аn Аrmѕ Wаrrіоr іn Раtсh” among others.

Zack has also tried his luck in music and some of his songs include “Good Evening”, “Speed of light” and “Our World” among others. There is no doubt that Asmongold is one of the young online personalities that are doing well.

He has a net worth of approximately $1.5 million.

Full Name

Source of Wealth

Known for

Birth Info

Zack Rawrr


Being a famous World of Warcraft

Twitch streamer



Quotes - Asmongold Net Worth and Key Habits

“If you wanna be successful, you have to be yourself.”


“My story of beginning World of Warcraft is the same as most kids’ story with drug addiction.”


“There are people that like watching me, and I’m really thankful for that and I enjoy it every time.”


“My best advice to people trying to create content online or do anything like that is to try to do two things.”


“To be honest, I do not tell people my goals and I’ll tell you why. Telling someone your goals gives you the psychological feeling that you will complete that goal, and so I don’t tell people whatever my real goals are.”


“But I would recommend to anybody out there trying to make content online, do not try to be like someone else; try to be yourself, if you want to be successful, you have to be yourself.”


Asmongold Net Worth and Key Habits

Habit #1: Be Yourself All The Time

According to Asmongold, the secret to success is being yourself all the time. He does not pretend to be someone else, whether online or in real life. His fans like him because they know that he is addicted to video games and sharing his gaming experiences.

You do not have to fake your personality or pretend to be someone else to excel in life. Just be yourself and work hard to be the best in whatever you are doing. People will accept your products if you are honest with them. Similarly, they are likely to reject your products if you pretend to be someone else.

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You do not have to fake your personality or pretend to be someone else to excel in life. Just be yourself and work hard to be the best in whatever you are doing.

Habit #2: Learn To Appreciate Your Clients

We all need other people to succeed in life. Asmongold knows that he could not have made a career from gaming if not for the support of his fans. That is why he is very grateful to his fans and he thanks them in all his video posts.

Successful people always appreciate people that have made them successful. As a businessperson, you need to make sure your customers are happy all the time. Doing so increases the chances of having new and returning customers. Give your clients value for their money and they will keep coming for your products.

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Successful people always appreciate people that have made them successful. As a businessperson, you need to make sure your customers are happy all the time. 

Habit #3: It Is All About Hard Work And Patience

Asmongold has said several times that there is no secret to his success other than hard work. He has been playing and streaming video games for several years. The video gamer sleeps late and wakes up early to make sure his fans have a steady flow of content. Asmongold also ensures that his videos are of high quality.

You cannot achieve big things or have a successful career if you are lazy. You need to work very hard to stand out from other people. It is also good to be patient as you pursue your dreams because success does not come overnight. Keep working hard and you will eventually achieve your dreams.

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You cannot achieve big things or have a successful career if you are lazy. You need to work very hard to stand out from other people.

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Summary - Asmongold Net Worth and Key Habits


Be Yourself All The Time


Learn To Appreciate Your Clients


It Is All About Hard Work And Patience

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