While they may have been a niche medium for expression a decade ago, today, it seems like everyone is starting a podcast. As a result, it’s much more difficult to get the ball rolling today than it ever has been before.

However, that doesn’t mean that starting your very own podcast is impossible. Rather, it just means that you have to make smart decisions with your approach. By utilizing the right techniques and approaches, you’ll be able to grow an audience and create a lasting podcast.

Here’s the over-saturation of podcasts and how to make your production stand out.

Find Your Niche

Before delving in and starting that podcast, it’s important to decide on a niche. The reason this is so important is that since you don’t have a name in the industry yet, the only way you’ll be attracting an audience at first is through topics.

While you do want to be specific to your niche, you don’t want it to be too alienating. Though this may sound hard, finding that sweet spot will provide a great foundation for your podcast to grow and thrive.

Figure Out How Your Podcast Will Stand Out

Regardless of the niche you land upon, chances are there are scores of other podcasts covering the same topics. This means that before you even start, you already have some competition to face.

However, this shouldn’t scare you. Rather, by researching other similar podcasts, you have a chance to offer something fresh and unique that audiences can’t get from anywhere else. This being the case, you’ll be able to come out of the gates with great value and allure for listeners.

Decide on a Schedule

Consistency can play a key role in growing your podcast and developing a loyal audience. For one, listeners will come back if they know you’re being consistent. In addition, algorithms on different platforms where you’re releasing your podcast will be sure to promote it.

It’s important to be mindful at this stage of knowing how long it will take to edit these podcasts. Ultimately, you don’t want to burn yourself out with this work, so be sure to have a significant buffer between when you record your podcast and when you release it.

Have a Marketing Strategy

Just because you’re not part of a large corporation doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have a marketing strategy. In fact, being mindful of customer journeys can be the difference between your podcast being a success and being a flop.

Whether it’s through ads on certain subreddits or flyers posted around colleges, putting a unique spin on your marketing efforts can get you your first initial listeners. This being the case, it’s important to have some meaningful marketing efforts to get your podcast on its way.

Decide If You’ll Be Doing the Podcast Alone

Before releasing episodes, it’s vital to decide whether you’ll be doing your podcast alone or with others. Other people can include editors, sound engineers, cohosts, or interviewees. By making this decision, you’ll be able to get all of the right pieces in place before beginning.

For example, if you need an editor or cohost, you’ll want to find those people before releasing your first episode. By getting these questions out of the way, you’ll have less friction once your podcast is up and running.

Get the Right Equipment

From microphones to digital interfaces, it can be confusing to know exactly what you should be using to start your podcast. However, the truth is that there are many options out there and the one you choose will depend upon your specific preferences and budget.

By enlisting the help of others who have made podcasts, you can have an easier time determining which setup is right for you. And though it may seem like the price of gear adds up, having high-quality productions will make your podcast more attractive to listeners.

Take Advantage of SEO

As has been noted, listeners won’t know who you are when you’re first starting your podcast. For this reason, it’s crucial to have your podcast revolve around topics that people are already looking for.

To do this effectively, it’s important to take advantage of SEO. By using keywords with high search volumes in your podcast titles and descriptions, you have a better chance of having larger audiences find your work.

Creating a Podcast is Within Reach

Though it may seem like a daunting task, you’re more than capable of starting a podcast with loyal listeners. By engaging in the right steps, you can ensure that your podcast offers audiences unique value and keeps them coming back. This being the case, give podcasting a shot and watch as you’re able to transform a hobby into a profession.

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