It’s important to form genuine connections in the workplace to enhance your overall career development. If you feel close to the people you work with, your motivation, satisfaction, productivity, and loyalty to the company will improve. However, forming bonds with your colleagues isn’t always an intuitive process. Let’s explore some ways to build strong relationships in the workplace.

Devote Your Time

It’s essential to devote some time throughout the work week to developing relationships with coworkers. If you don’t put in the time and effort, it’s unreasonable to expect to form strong connections with your team or leaders. Since it can be difficult to carve out time and still complete your daily responsibilities, consider sitting down with a colleague during lunch. You can also devote a few minutes at the beginning or end of your day to socializing with others.

Keep in mind that it takes time to build a positive relationship with someone, so you shouldn’t be discouraged if your first few interactions are somewhat stilted. Over time, you’ll begin to learn more about one another, and the conversation will flow freely. If you’re trying to bond with your team, one thing that a new team leader should do first is set up a time to begin cultivating genuine relationships. Take a few minutes to meet with each person and discuss their interests and skills both in and out of the workplace.

Assist Others

Another way to build strong relationships in the workplace is through assisting others. If you notice a coworker struggling to complete a task and you have some extra time in your day, offering to help is a great way to become closer. Once your colleague knows they can trust and rely on you, it’s easier to begin bonding over non-work-related topics as well.

Plus, helping someone else is a great way to display kindness and empathy. Both qualities are essential in forming a strong bond with a coworker. Since everyone has so many demands on their time, it’s nice to know you can turn to someone in the office for help.

Be Present

Whether or not you’re a leader in the workplace, it can be incredibly difficult to remain present when juggling different tasks. Although the urge to multitask may be strong, it’s important to remain singularly focused if you’re in a meeting or interacting with a coworker. It’s also crucial to resist the urge to work through lunch because you’ll miss out on opportunities to connect with others.

Once you make a conscious effort to pay attention to those around you and participate in active listening, you’ll be amazed by how quickly you get to know your colleagues. At the end of the day, people are more likely to maintain a conversation if both parties are actively and thoughtfully participating. By giving others your undivided attention, you’ll be able to build strong workplace relationships with ease.

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