If you want to acquire knowledge, you will have to read a lot. In particular, you must read different books depending on what you want to know. If you want to learn and build great study habits, below are some books you will find helpful.

Accelerated Learning Techniques for Students: Learn More in Less Time

This piece is written by Joe M McCullough. It provides students access to crucial information that can help them master a skill or become specialists in a subject. To achieve this, the author provides you with actionable tips that allow you to:

  • Retain knowledge;
  • Process new information;
  • Communicate effectively;
  • Become proficient in a subject.

Besides these tips, you will learn how to think more effectively, thereby making better decisions. On the other hand, the book should assist you in comprehending and identifying reasons that prevent learning and how to mitigate each problem.

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The Only Skill That Matters                       

Jonathan A. Levi wrote this great book that prepares you for future challenges. It does not matter if you want to improve your personal or professional life, you will find something for yourself in this work. In addition, Jonathan provides details about a method that lets you read faster, improve retention, and facilitate recall. Many people consider this work a life changer as it unlocks excellent chances for becoming great.

If you are an aspiring writer, practice is essential for you. You will want to improve your writing skills as you progress in your career. With time, you should enhance your work through dedication, hard work, and commitment.

Make It Stick

This book was written by 3 authors – Henry L. Roediger III, Mark A. McDaniel, and Peter C. Brown. This publication explores learning based on the latest research. As such, the writers provide information that debunks age-old learning techniques. Furthermore, there is a lot of credibility in this writing as the writers are career cognitive scientists with experience studying people and memory. In particular, this book benefits people who work as coaches, trainers, or educators.

Learn to Read with Great Speed: How to Take Your Reading Skills to the Next Level and Beyond in only 10 Minutes a Day

Written by Michal Stawicki, this book is an excellent reference for speed reading. In addition, this work is easy to understand, and it gives readers precise details on what to do. Also, the author highlights specific examples that are ideal for sharpening the speed learning process. The only catch is you will have to commit 10 minutes daily to become an expert in speed reading. Also, if your job requires you to read a lot, this book is ideal for you.

Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain: How a New Science Reveals Our Extraordinary Potential to Transform Ourselves

Sharon Begley is the author that wrote this book. This work presents details about the neuroplasticity of the brain. Its central thesis rests on the premise that the brain can heal or reconfigure after trauma or due to disabilities. The writer highlights examples that show how people’s brains recover. On the other hand, the author presents the benefits of meditation and how it helps the brain to heal.

In Conclusion

Books are essential tools for learning. Each publication presents the reader with a different approach to studying. In general, many of these books present learners with excellent ways of retaining details. Other publications try to speed up the learning process. Add the books we mentioned to your reading list, and keep learning!

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