Erica Mena Net Worth = $1 Million

Erica Mena is an American TV personality, model, recording artist, and author. She is famous for her appearances in the “Love & Hip Hop’ show.”

Erica Jasmin Mena Samuels was born on November 8, 1987, in Bronx, New York, United States. Her parents are of Puerto Rican and Dominican descent. She started designing dresses for performing arts at the age of 8 years. 

Erica is naturally beautiful and one of the most sought after models in America. She has worked with big companies such as Roca Wear. Mena also appeared on the “Love and Hip” show.

Mena has a net worth of approximately $1 million.

Full Name

Source of Wealth

Known for

Birth Info

Erica Jasmin Mena Samuels

Television Personality

Love & Hip Hop

United States


Quotes - Erica Mena Net Worth and Key Habits

“I've succeeded a lot but there's still so much to do.”

-Erica Mena

“This is the thing, I'm not fazed by what people say about me because I know who I am and what I've been through.”

-Erica Mena

“Writing the book automatically made me accept myself and love myself more.”

-Erica Mena

“I’ve learned more than ever not to care what people think. I’m crazy, but there’s still a lot about me people don’t know.”

-Erica Mena

“When you’re in the public eye, you get harsh criticism.”

-Erica Mena

“Where I’ve come from, where I want to go, and where I’ve been have also been a source of inspiration.”

-Erica Mena

“I want to be the next J.Lo. But the wilder, more free-spirited version."

-Erica Mena

Erica Mena Net Worth and Key Habits

Habit #1: Keep Improving

You need to keep making improvements in whatever you do if you want to be successful in life. Mena is on record for saying, "I've succeeded a lot, but there's still so much to do." She believes that she can achieve bigger things and be the next J. Lo. According to Erica, the sky is the limit for growing her career as a TV personality and model.

Success is a continuous process, and there's always room for improvement. Don't be comfortable after making small achievements. It would actually be best if you challenged yourself to achieve bigger things to continue growing. 

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Success is a continuous process, and there's always room for improvement. Don't be comfortable after making small achievements

Habit #2: Never Mind People

According to Mena, it's good to avoid people who don't add value to your life. The TV personality once said, "This is the thing, I'm not fazed by what people say about me because I know who I am and what I've been through." 

It's normal for people to talk ill of you and your work no matter how hard you try to please them. Other people will do anything to pull you down and kill your dreams. Thus, it would help if you never minded what people say about you and your work.

Read - What Are Your Career Goals? Begin With The End in Mind

This is the thing, I'm not fazed by what people say about me because I know who I am and what I've been through." 

Habit #3: Learn To Inspire Yourself

Erica doesn't wait for people to inspire her to work hard on her dreams. She understands that each person has a life to live, and she's responsible for her happiness. The gorgeous model once said, "I use where I've come from, where I want to go, and where I have also been a source of inspiration."

Learn to inspire yourself if you want to go far in life. Evaluate your past and identify things that can motivate you to work hard to make your future better.

Self-motivation is more effective than incentives that come from external sources. Therefore, you should learn to enhance your inner motivation to pursue your goals.

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Learn to inspire yourself if you wanna go far in life. Evaluate your past and identify things that can motivate you to work hard to make your future better.

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Summary - Erica Mena Net Worth and Key Habits


Keep Improving


Never Mind People


Learn To Inspire Yourself

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