Newton's Laws of motion explain the rules of movement to us. When you look at what productivity is and why you want to build habits, those same laws can apply. People develop habits to make it easier to move their life in the direction they want to go. Its movement and it can be explained so well by Newton's Laws.

To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction. - Sir Isaac Newton

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What is Newton's Law?  

In Newtons ground breaking book that was published in 1687 by the name of The Principia: Mathamatical Principles of Natural Philosophy In this book he describes the three laws of motion. 

1. An object either remains at rest or continues to move at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an external force. (i.e. Objects in motion tend to stay in motion. Objects at rest tend to stay at rest.)

2. F=ma. The vector sum of the forces on an object is equal to the mass of that object multiplied by the acceleration vector of the object. (i.e. Force equals mass times acceleration.)

3. When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body. (i.e. Equal and opposite forces.)

These laws can be used for many different things. The argument I am making here is that they also explain the power of being productive. These laws create a scientific argument for the power of habits. 

These laws make a scientific arguement for the power of habits. 

Get Started  

The first of Newton's Laws is a double-edged sword. It can work for you when you're moving in the direction you want to, but it works against you when you're not.

The first law explains why the procrastinator keeps on putting things off. It also explains why someone who keeps moving toward their goals like a mad person, can't be stopped. 

Think about pushing a boulder. The hardest part is to get that big thing moving. But once you get it running, it's so much easier to keep it moving forward.

You can use this to your advantage by getting started as quickly and efficiently as you can. Too many people overlook the power of momentum. Habits are really about a momentum that has been build for so long that nothing can stop it.

If you want to start working out, don't run a mile on the first day. Go do one push up and walk to the end of your driveway and back. Now you can say you started, and you got that boulder creeping forward.

Now you can say that you workout, and it's just a matter of making your workouts harder and hard until you're where you want to be. You will be less likely to quit when you start small like this, but you will also be able to build positive habits before getting too hard.

Think about pushing a boulder. The hardest part is to get that big thing moving. But once you get it running, it's so much easier to keep it moving forward.

Take Bigger Action In The Right Areas 

The second law is that force equals mass acceleration. I understand this law well because sprinted at a high level. To run fast, you have to apply a lot of energy, but it must be used in the right direction. It would be best if you had both of these things. If you try and get more reliable, but you don't apply that force the right way, it can be a disaster.

You always see people do to decide on goals but not have the action to match those goals. For example, you will see people say that they want to be billionaires, but their day-to-day activities are not massive enough to make $100,000.

You also have to recognize that force applied in different areas of your life will produce different results. You may have a skill that will create one outcome if you go to college, another if you decide to become an entrepreneur.

The second law is all about getting your efforts and where you apply them to line up correctly. This law explains why life is not just about hard work. You can have all of the world's energy, but if you don't put it in the right places, it may not lead to the results you desire.

When you're thinking of what habits to build, you must find the essential habits you need to succeed in your industry. Success always leaves clues. Study some of the top people and figure out what things they all do and build those habits. Doing this helps to ensure that you're working hard in the correct areas.

The second law is all about getting your efforts and where you apply them to line up correctly. This law explains why life is not just about hard work. You can have all of the world's energy, but if you don't put it in the right places, it may not lead to the results you desire.

Remove What Fights Against You

It's easy to figure out your positive habits and see how they will move you forward. What's not as easy as figuring out what negative habits are holding you back? 

It's easy to focus on trying to build more positive habits. The most progress may come from removing and reducing some of the negative forces that work against you. The following things can all be reduced or eliminated. 

  • Unfocused time
  • Stress
  • Poor diet
  • Lack of sleep 
  • Negative relationships 
  • Doing too much at once 

As you continue to apply more force, some of the negative energies can begin to work against you. Maybe you have been working hard on a project. In the middle of it, you realize you're stressed, not sleeping, not eating; your diet sucks, your relationships are going down the drain. 

If you continue on that path, your force output will begin to go down because there are too many things pushing back against what you're fighting for. If you invest time in improving those areas and fighting for a bit more balance, you will move forward faster speeds. 

The best way to do this is to build habits that fight these different areas you struggle with. For example, you may want to wake up at a particular time, but you should also make sure you go to bed earlier. You can create habits that help you to reduce your sugar intake and stay hydrated throughout the day. 

If you continue on that path, your force output will begin to go down because there are too many things pushing back against what you're fighting for. If you invest time in improving those areas and fighting for a bit more balance, you will move forward faster speeds. 

Conclusion of Newtons Law for Building Habits 

1. Get started as quickly as you can, building momentum. Start as small as you can and making building momentum the focus. 

2. Know what direction you want to go and apply as much force in the right places. 

3. Spend time removing the things that fight against the progress you're working to make. 

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