Coming to terms with addiction is one of the most difficult things anyone can do. People who have tried to change their habits and relapsed, even multiple times, understand how difficult it can be to overcome addictive patterns. Others, meanwhile, underestimate how difficult it is to overcome addiction. 

Undoing old habits isn’t as easy as one might think. But despite the difficulties of addiction, remember that this does not have to be your permanent state of being. It can be disheartening to relapse after having made some progress in recovery. However, you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself. 

Things may not go as planned. Perhaps you had made the right decision to get your life together. But something may have triggered you, leading you to relapse. You may not be able to control everything that happens to you, but you can adjust your response. You’ll need to stay motivated to get over the hump.  

Staying motivated can be difficult because recovery isn’t always pleasant. However, it is critical because it can assist you in enduring difficult times. On your road to recovery, you may experience loneliness, stress, anxiety, depression, and even failure. However, staying motivated will help you achieve your goal of freedom.   

Here’s a guide on how to stay motivated after a relapse.

1. Set Goals 

Recovery is generally not easy. Full recovery often entails going through several stages in which one may succumb to relapse. But it’s important to note that the recovery rate will differ between individuals. You can research to find out more about these various stages.  

One way of helping you stay on track is establishing goals. Setting goals for yourself can be very beneficial, especially if you’re just starting. Goals provide you with something specific to strive for. So, if you relapse, remind yourself of where you came from and where you want to go based on the goals you’ve set for yourself.  

When setting goals, make sure they are SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound). Although you may want to recover quickly, remember not to be too hard on yourself. You need to set reasonable and attainable goals for yourself. It’s all about setting the highest possible realistic goal based on your circumstances.  

When developing an addiction recovery strategy, it is always advisable to talk with an expert. They will assist you in creating a set of goals based on the SMART criterion to ensure that you reach full recovery the appropriate way. Remember that no one should be forced to recover. It’s always best to take the initiative to bounce back independently.

2. Practice Self-Care  

If you’ve been living a life filled with bad habits and substances, it can take a toll on your body and mental health. It can have a physical, psychological, and emotional impact on you. You may feel the consequences of your indulgence during recovery because you will be weaning away from something your body is used to. As a result, the healing process is frequently tough for those in recovery.  

This unease could lead to a lack of motivation. However, it is crucial to realize that feeling unmotivated throughout rehabilitation is typical. What counts is that you accept responsibility for your well-being. You need to reprogram your body from old to new habits that are good for you. So, you need to ensure you’re getting enough sleep, eating a good diet, taking your medication, practicing healthy coping mechanisms, and connecting with others, among other things.

Self-care is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Investing in your well-being is a good use of time and money. Realize that you need to start seeing yourself as worthy of life and love. But it all starts with treating yourself well. When you begin to recognize the benefits of self-care, you will be motivated to continue doing so. So, take care of yourself.

3. Remind Yourself Why You Started 

The first step toward recovery is admitting that your habits are no longer serving you well and accepting that you must change. Outsiders may think this is a piece of cake. However, committing to quitting a habit is easier said than done for those struggling with addiction. However, those who decide to act against their addictions will make one of their lives’ bravest decisions.  

Regardless of how deep one is in addiction, one can always decide to change their life. Some people make this decision as a result of a life-altering event. It could be a near-death experience. Or, you may have realized how your habits affect those around you. Whatever the reason, it’s important to remember why you started on the road to recovery in the first place.  

If you relapse, always remember why you want to change your ways. You probably know or believe that this decision will benefit you and those around you. You realize that getting better is the best thing you can do for yourself in the long run. Furthermore, you recognize that change is a necessary step toward improvement. 

Whatever hurdle you face on this journey, always know your why. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you make mistakes. Condemning yourself could only lead to your old habits spiraling. What you need to do is find reasons to keep yourself on track. Focus on the positive. If your ‘why’ is bigger than you, it can be a great source of motivation.  

4. Appreciate Little Things  

Looking on the bright side of life can be difficult in a dark place. The journey toward recovery can be lonely and confusing. You’re fighting against the urge to revert to your old self, and resisting temptation is not always easy. If you’re not careful, you could lose sight of the good things you’ve got in your life.

You may feel like things are not going well in your life. But that feeling you have may not be an actual reflection of reality. When your emotional and psychological well-being is off balance, it’s easy to fall into a pessimistic outlook on your life. All you can see is how bad things are. Plus, generally, people tend to feel negative emotions more strongly than positive ones. So it’s easy to get lost in dark moments.  

However, you must cultivate gratitude to overcome whatever dark place you may be in. Even if things don’t appear to be going well right now, chances are there are things for which you can be grateful. Positive thinking is crucial for your soul because it is a source of strength. One thing to keep in mind is that what you focus on amplifies. So, if you concentrate on the positive, you will see more of it in your life.

Instead of thinking of fear or failure, concentrate on small things. Consider your family and how your recovery will help them. This can be a strong motivator. Also, remember to credit yourself for how far you’ve come on your journey. Understand that the road to recovery will not be easy. Eventually, recovery will give you the happiness and freedom you desire. Let that be your motivation.

5. Join A Community  

Recovery can be a lonely journey. There’s a strong chance you’ll feel like an outsider at certain points along the way. That is to be expected because others may not understand what you are going through. However, to avoid loneliness, you must try to interact with others. Isolation can generate feelings of melancholy and doubt, leading to negative thoughts. As a result, solitude can make you more vulnerable than necessary.

Recognizing that you do not have to go through recovery alone is critical. Sometimes, recovering individuals may feel like they’re burdening others by asking for help or confiding in them. However, some can and will assist you. Going through recovery alone is a bad decision because you won’t have any support. When you relapse, don’t hide in a cocoon. You need someone to motivate you to keep going.

That is why seeking out and joining recovery communities is always a good idea. It might give you a sense of purpose and belonging. Additionally, it can help alleviate feelings of loneliness. These are groups wherein people share their stories, and you could learn a thing or two from other people on a similar journey to yours. You get to interact with others and get a different perspective. 

Joining a community is great because you’ll support each other to recover fully. You also get to hear other people’s struggles and success stories. Don’t underestimate the power that a success story from your peers has.

6. Learn From Experience

Even though relapse is not a fun experience, it can be a great opportunity for you to learn about yourself and your situation. While you shouldn’t dwell on the relapse, aim to understand why and how it happened. That way, you can make the necessary changes to your strategy to ensure it doesn’t happen again.

You can’t expect different results if you repeat the same thing. But sometimes, you can only identify that something isn’t working by exploring why things are the way they are now. Your personal experience may help you learn about your triggers and how to avoid them. This can help you draft a refined plan for recovery.  


The decision to go on a path to recovery is not easy. It isn’t always easy to part ways with something that has formed part of your identity for some time. But understand that positive change is possible. 

It doesn’t matter how many times you fall. What matters most is how you got back up. Relapsing isn’t the end of the world. But you must use it as a learning experience to overcome what’s holding you back. Remember, it’s better to fight an enemy you know than one you don’t. 

Moreover, when you feel like giving up, remind yourself why you embarked on the recovery journey in the first place. Nothing worthwhile is ever easy. But holding on to hope can do wonders for your general well-being, even when you enter relapse. And should you need it, don’t hesitate to seek professional help.

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