Milo Yiannopoulos Net Worth = $4 Million

Milo Yiannopoulos is a political commentator who also doubles as a blogger, author, journalist, and media star. He is famous for supporting Donald Trump and supporting same-sex marriages.

Milo Andreas Wagner was born on October 18, 1984, in Chatham, United Kingdom. However, he now lives in the USA. Mio started his career journey after college by working with The Catholic Herald. He has also participated in many TV shows to discuss controversial issues.

The political commentator established the "Тhе Теlеgrарh Тесh Ѕtаrt-Uр 100" in 2011. He later closed launched "The Kernel" (an online magazine for legal dispute) together with Pritchard, Rosenberg, Smith, and McShane.

The successful conservative political commentator has a net worth of approximately $4 million.

Full Name

Source of Wealth

Known for

Birth Info

Milo Andreas Wagner


Тhе Теlеgrарh Тесh Ѕtаrt-Uр 100

United Kingdom


Quotes - Milo Yiannopoulos Net Worth and Key Habits

“Behind every racist joke is a scientific fact.”

– Milo Yiannopoulos

“My theory is that women simply can't get along with each other or work well together.”

– Milo Yiannopoulos

“Media cycles end, but the Internet never forgets. This is a valuable lesson, especially for college students.”

– Milo Yiannopoulos

“I care about facts. Yes, I don't care about your feelings.”

– Milo Yiannopoulos

“It's not okay to lie about people and particularly not okay to hurl the worst imaginable names at people just because you think you might not like their politics.”

– Milo Yiannopoulos

“The only real shaming I've ever experienced has been from other gay people when I reveal my politics or my religion.”

– Milo Yiannopoulos

“I do say things in a way that is going to elicit a response from people.”

– Milo Yiannopoulos

“Deep in my heart, I care about social-justice warriors.”

– Milo Yiannopoulos

“I do say things in a way that is going to elicit a response from people.”

– Milo Yiannopoulos

Milo Yiannopoulos Net Worth and Key Habits

Habit #1: Be Factual In Whatever You Do

Milo is on record for saying, "I care about facts. Yes, I don't care about your feelings." As a political commentator, he always backs his arguments with facts and not what his audience expects him to say. According to Mio, you can't be a successful commentator if you tell lies in your arguments and comments.

You need to be factual in whatever you do if you want to have a successful career. People are likely to accept your products if you're honest with them. The rule of thumb is to have facts readily available before you say anything. 

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You need to be factual in whatever you do if you wanna have a successful career. People are likely to accept your products if you're honest with them.

Habit #2: Never Mind What People Say

It’s normal for people to talk poorly about what they do. Some will praise you, while others will criticize you. Yiannopoulos doesn’t care what people say about his comments and political views. He believes that he couldn’t have become a successful commentator if he worried about what people say.

Many people don’t achieve their goals because they spend most of their precious time trying to please other people. Others are too shy to take advantage of opportunities to change their lives because they fear how other people will react. People will always speak, and you can’t do anything about it. Thus, it would help if you focused on things that make you happy and never mind what people say.

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Many people don’t achieve their goals because they spend most of their precious time trying to please other people.

Habit #3: Keep Trying New Things

According to Milo, nothing comes easy in life. You have to be willing to try many different things and sometimes make mistakes before achieving your goals.

Yiannopoulos started many start-ups throughout his career before becoming a political commentator. He also made mistakes along the way. Milo believes that he couldn’t have been where he is today if he didn’t keep trying new things in the early days of his career.

Never get tired or discouraged from trying new things in life because you never know what will change your life. It’s good to try something and fail or make mistakes than not trying at all. Keep working hard at luck with different opportunities until you achieve your goals.

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Never get tired or discouraged from trying new things in life because you never know what will change your life.

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Summary - Milo Yiannopoulos Net Worth and Key Habits


Be Factual In Whatever You Do


Never Mind What People Say


Keep Trying New Things

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