Steve Perry Net Worth = $60 Million

Steve Perry is an American singer, songwriter, and record producer. The singer is famous for his role in the band called the “Journey.” Stephen Ray Perry was born on January 22, 1949, in Hanford, California.

Steve had worked with many bands since when he was in high school. However, he came to the limelight after joining a band called “Journey.” He has released many albums and hit tracks with the commercially successful band. Steve has also released several albums as a solo artist that reached position 15 on the USA Billboard.

The talented singer has a net worth of approximately $60 million as of 2021.

Full Name

Source of Wealth

Known for

Birth Info

Stephen Ray Perry



United States


Quotes - Steve Perry Net Worth and Key Habits

“There's always a price for what you want.”

-Steve Perry

“The injury that we do to a man must be such that we need not fear his vengeance.”

-Steve Perry

“You can't embrace your whole life if you're shut down. I found out that I can't just run away and shut down. Yeah, I'm losing the rest of my life doing that.”

-Steve Perry

“Teaching is the highest art; before the doctor, there was a teacher.”

-Steve Perry

“If a man spent his life looking over his shoulder at every possible branching of his path he could have taken, he would never accomplish anything.”

-Steve Perry

“One must learn from history so as not to repeat it, but one must not waste one's energy or time worrying about what might have been.”

-Steve Perry

“We have focused only on the negatives, and not enough on incredible stories of the human spirit and of rebirth and rebuilding. That's equally important as the tragedy.”

-Steve Perry

“Poverty's potential for character building is far overrated.”
-Steve Perry

“A whole other generation is coming up to me now - anywhere from 8 to 22 years old - wanting me to sign autographs. They think Journey was awesome.”
-Steve Perry

Steve Perry Net Worth and Key Habits

Habit #1: Don’t Worry So Much About Past

According to Perry, you can’t go far in life if you worry so much about the past. It doesn’t matter that you made some mistakes in the past. You should forget about it and move on with your life.

The talented singer once said, “One must learn from history so as not to repeat it, but one must not waste one's energy or time worrying about what might have been.”

Successful people don't allow the guilt of past mistakes to overwhelm them. On the contrary, they try to learn from history to avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future.

You shouldn't hold on to the past to a point that you couldn’t concentrate on your goals. Let the past remain in the past and focus on making your present and future better.

Read - How to Learn From Mistakes Fast  

One must learn from history so as not to repeat it, but one must not waste one's energy or time worrying about what might have been.”

Habit #2: Nothing Comes Free

The journey to success is challenging because nothing comes easy in life. You have to pay something for what you want. Steve is on record for saying, "There's always a price for what you want." He believes that he didn't become a successful singer by sheer luck because he worked very hard to grow his music career.

You have to work very hard if you want to achieve big things in life. Successful people are ready to forego their present happiness to make their future better.

You should be ready to wake up early, work for many hours, and sleep late if you want to make a difference in your life. If you're lazy, your dreams will remain as dreams, and you'll die poor.

Read - The Beginners Guide To a Stress-Free Life

You have to work very hard if you want to achieve big things in life. Successful people are ready to forego their present happiness to make their future better.

Habit #3: Don’t Focus Only On Negatives

Perry doesn't focus on the negatives and other challenges that he encounters in his music career. He understands that too much negative energy could have detrimental effects on his career.

Steve once said, "We have focused only on the negatives, and not enough on incredible stories of the human spirit and rebirth and rebuilding. That's equally important as the tragedy."

The reason why some people fail in their careers is that they focus only on the negatives. It's good to appreciate the good things happening in your life too.

That way, you get the morale to work on your dreams and take your career to greater heights. Try to ignore negative energies that could have detrimental effects on your career growth.

Read - Let Life Bloom – Focus On What You Can Control

The reason why some people fail in their careers is that they focus only on the negatives. It's good to appreciate the good things happening in your life too.

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Summary - Steve Perry Net Worth and Key Habits


Don’t Worry So Much About Past


Nothing Comes Free


Don’t Focus Only On Negatives

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