Is there a proven formula for bodybuilding success? Not all aspiring bodybuilders will gain the muscles they’ve always wanted. Many assume their genetics are to blame for not attaining their desired physique, while others think their training must be inadequate. 

However, the issue might not lie in these factors but the routine, lifestyle, and using the right tools for workouts. It’s important to understand that an improved physique isn’t achieved overnight. You need to develop healthy habits that promote muscle growth.

If you’re setting your sights on becoming a successful bodybuilder, consider the following healthy habits:

1. Be An Early Riser

If you’re serious about bodybuilding, you must be ready to make some sacrifices. Among these sacrifices include rising early and hitting the gym. Bodybuilders have other things to take care of, and waking up late means not having time for their training. 

Therefore, you should get up early and do your workouts before anything else. Morning workouts are beneficial because there are fewer distractions at this time. In addition, you’ll experience the benefits of exercise throughout the day, such as improved mood, focus, and alertness.

2. Take The Right Supplements

Taking the right supplements may help increase strength, speed recovery time, and build muscles. It’s important to note that most bodybuilders and athletes use supplements to enhance workout performance. 

However, always seek advice from healthcare professionals about muscle-building supplements to help you attain your goals. You can also read this Healthedacademy guide to learn about liquid selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) and their benefits.  

3. Be Proactive

Being proactive is more than sticking to a special diet and training plan. You must determine your bodybuilding goals and tailor a program to help you achieve them. It wouldn’t make sense to want a toned body with well-defined muscles while engaging in habits that promote otherwise. It’s crucial to align your actions with your goals to achieve just what you wish for. So, do your research and ask trainers for expert advice. 

Additionally, your training should go hand-in-hand with healthy eating habits. However, remember that what works for you might not suit another person. Therefore, stick to what works for you.

You might also need to ask yourself the following questions to determine precisely what your bodybuilding goals are:

  • What motivates you?
  • What are you trying to accomplish?
  • Is your plan in line with your goals?
  • Do you have enough resources? 
  • Is anything getting in the way of achieving your goals?
  • Are you ready to do whatever it takes to attain your goals?

4. Eat Right

Diet is considered an essential element of bodybuilding. However, it can be challenging to maintain an appropriate diet for bodybuilders. While it might be nearly impossible to follow a diet strictly, you need to make some effort to eat right. 

For example, if you must eat out, select the healthiest and most nutritious entree on the menu instead of gorging on deep-fried food and washing it down with soda. Go for baked, grilled, or broiled foods to cut back on oil and butter.  

Also, avoid drinking too much alcohol because it has been shown to reduce your ability to build muscle and lose fat. As simple as these tips may sound, they’ll place you miles ahead of other aspiring bodybuilders.

5. Prepare Your Own Meals

You’ll find it much easier to stick to a strict diet if you prepare your own meals. Since you’re aware of the foods you need to eat and the ones to avoid, you can decide what to prepare. You need a lot of protein to fuel your workouts, so you have to include the right amount in your meal planning. You can also use the freshest natural ingredients when you cook your own food. 

In addition, when eating at home, you have control over the portion you eat. But aside from health reasons, preparing your own meals saves you money. 

6. Eat Regular Meals

Besides preparing your own meals and committing to eating healthily, there’s one more thing concerning nutrition that you need to pay attention to. You must eat frequently and at the right time as a bodybuilder. 

Eating at regular intervals helps your muscles recover faster while promoting muscle building. To be a successful bodybuilder, you should eat at least five meals a day and drink plenty of water.

7. Maintain Correct Form

It’s essential to learn the correct form whenever you lift weights or do a particular exercise. Otherwise, you risk injuring your spine, knees, or shoulders. When you’re new to bodybuilding, it’s best to seek the guidance of a fitness trainer. Once you’re thoroughly familiar with the proper form, you can do your workouts on your own. 

8. Keep An Eye On Progression

Progression is the principle of systematically and gradually intensifying the workout through heavier weights or additional repetitions (reps) as your body adapts to the exercise routine. 

There are two categories of progression: resistance progression and weight progression. Resistance progression means increasing the weight or resistance you use for training, while weight progression involves increasing the number of reps. Some bodybuilders apply the double progression principle, which combines the two techniques.

Whether adding reps or weight, you should strive to push harder to achieve progression. If you do the same number of reps or lift the same weight for months or years, you might stagnate or reach a plateau, and you won’t gain stronger and bigger muscles. 

It’s important to note that progress is never easy, and you need to tough it out. However, do not risk injury by pushing yourself too hard. 

9. Stick To Your Routine

Bodybuilding requires commitment and consistency. It’s not about getting to the gym only when you feel like it and skipping when it’s inconvenient. 

Stick to a regular schedule for working out as much as possible. Blocking a specific time for lifting weights keeps you from putting it off or scheduling some other activity in its place. 

10. Stay Sober

Nothing can interfere with your bodybuilding journey more than alcohol. Alcohol increases cortisol, a stress-causing hormone, and reduces protein synthesis for muscle fiber repair. 

Additionally, alcohol causes hangover symptoms that can make you feel tired and sleepy most of the time. Thus, it isn’t wise to indulge in alcohol, especially if you plan to work out the following day. Save the drinks for special occasions, or do away with alcohol for good.

11. Stay Hydrated

Many bodybuilders, especially newbies, overlook the importance of staying well-hydrated. This shouldn’t be the case. Water is an essential nutrient that accounts for nearly two-thirds of the human body. Hence, it’s crucial to bodybuilding and maintaining a healthy physique.

Here are the ways drinking adequate water is beneficial to bodybuilders:

  • Water Energizes Muscles

Like every part of your body, your muscles require balance to function well. When the muscles aren’t adequately hydrated, they aren’t getting sufficient electrolytes that promote balance, leading to dehydration and weakness. On the other hand, if you’re well-hydrated before and during workouts, the muscles become energetic, allowing you to feel more lively and perform at optimum level.

  • Water Helps You Tolerate Pain

According to nutritionists, drinking enough water can increase your ability to endure and tolerate pain. Conversely, low water intake plus extreme workouts increase body sensitivity to pain, affecting your general performance. Therefore, if you want to extend your training without pain, you might want to keep your water bottle handy.

  • Water Lubricates Joints

Water is a significant element of synovial fluid that lubricates the joints to allow easy movements. Lack of water in the body equals less synovial fluid, putting your joints at risk of excessive friction. Working out becomes challenging when your joints aren’t adequately lubricated since they don’t move as they should.

  • Water Speeds Up Recovery

Sore muscles are often cited as an excuse for non-consistency in workouts. If you’re dehydrated, the pain can persist, limiting your ability to continue exercising. Fortunately, drinking enough water speeds up recovery time, giving you enough time to do what you do best.

12. Get Enough Sleep

The importance of adequate sleep is indisputable. It enhances relaxation and improves general health. Also, getting sufficient sleep enhances muscle recovery. It’s important to know that working out without enough sleep is not as effective. This is because sleep deprivation may cause fatigue to set in early, affecting your workout performance.

Furthermore, when you get seven to nine hours of sleep, elevated levels of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) are released into the bloodstream. This hormone enhances muscle growth over time. 

According to experts, insufficient sleep can hinder muscle recovery and growth. This could lead to a catabolic state where the muscles break down, causing you to lose overall mass.


Bodybuilding isn’t for the faint-hearted. It requires no small measure of sacrifice and commitment. For example, you must be consistent in waking up early for your daily workouts. Additionally, you must stick to a particular diet, or you might not get where you want to be.  To attain your desired physique, both training and proper nutrition are vital. 

For additional tips and pointers on becoming a successful bodybuilder, consult a personal trainer or other fitness professionals, so you can be guided as you embark on your bodybuilding journey. 

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