After losing someone so close to you, how does coping work? Grieving is the hardest thing many face; at first, it feels like a stone wall that’s encased you. It’s like attempting mentally to unfurl your knuckles after they turn white; grieving is trying to unwrap a sense of what reality is now. It is hard to find balance again, but it is possible to survive. While going through the grieving process, here are three healthy Habits to develop.

Get A New Routine Going

Right now, you want to curl into bed and not leave. But the thing is, keeping a routine going brings comfort. It helps you keep moving through the toughest of days. Although you can’t stick to your usual routine after your loved one passes, starting anew is essential.

Connect with friends, sign up for a creative class after school or work, or make it a daily task to visit a new coffee shop. Make time for a new routine. The idea here is to help you restore normalcy by planning one thing at a time as you grieve.

Make Life Changes

A lot is going on right now, and it’s hard to think about other life changes, but when you feel ready, consider what parts of your life you’d like to change. Changing up your career choice or finding a new place to live can help with starting over.

Don’t start right now, but when you’re ready to, make a pros and cons list of your life situation and make healthy changes. You can make changes like moving to a new place closer to family, adopting a new pet, or opening a small business. Life changes are just a few Habits to stack along the way.

Start A New Ritual

Something most may not do while grieving is starting a ritual. A ritual could involve visiting your loved one’s grave, going to a place to celebrate their birthday, or continuing a holiday tradition. Orchestrating a ritual helps with grieving; many traditions and rituals involve finding a special place to memorialize the deceased.

Spend time with friends, family, and yourself by revisiting these rituals when you miss your parted loved one most. Keep the memory of their life alive by lighting a candle, singing one of their favorite songs, or going to their favorite restaurant. Whatever it is you do, do it in their memory; this helps minimize symptoms of depression.

Finding normalcy while grieving is hard. Yet, one important thing to remember about forming healthy Habits while grieving is that you have a support system. When you need support, turn to a place you know can help with grief, such as friends and family or a support group. You’re not alone in this; together, you can develop yourself anew.

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