Alexander The Great Net Worth = $20 Million (At Time of Death)

Alexander the Great is the Son of Philip II and considered to be one of the greatest conquerors ever to live. He is legend was so great that it has become difficult to separate the man, the myth and the title. Its all blurred into one great story with fictitious accounts included. 

There is no doubt that he had a superior upbringing. His father was the rule before him, and he got to learn so much from him. He also was mentored by Aristotle. His drive eventually became to be higher than his mentors. It was this drive to be more magnificent that pushed him to conquer more and more land. 

When it was all said and done, he ended up conquering everything from Greece through, Egypt and Persia on the way to India. That is a massive amount of land for a man to take over on foot. He laid waste to many lives to reach his goals. 

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Quotes - Alexander The Great Net Worth and Key Habits

“There is nothing impossible to him who will try.” - Alexander The Great

“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.” - Alexander The Great

 “Whatever possession we gain by our sword cannot be sure or lasting, but the love gained by kindness and moderation is certain and durable.” - Alexander The Great

“Without Knowledge, Skill cannot be focused. Without Skill, Strength cannot be brought to bear and without Strength, Knowledge may not be applied.” - Alexander The Great

 “Toil and risk are the price of glory, but it is a lovely thing to live with courage and die leaving an everlasting fame.” - Alexander The Great

Alexander The Great Net Worth and Key Habits

#1 - Learn Like Crazy

Alexander The Great had an enormous appetite for reading. It was said that he had his books carried with him everywhere he went with his Army. He slept with a book called "The Illiad" under his pillow, as I mentioned above. His dad was a conquered and his mentor as well as Aristotle. He had wise people that he could go to with questions and to get advice from.

His life was built around learning quickly and learning from the best. All of these sources for learning were why at such a young age, Alexander the Great was able to accomplish so much. He did not waste time, and he was straightforward with his goals and demands. His superior strategy used on the battlefield was the result of years of learning. 

#2 - Move Fast and Unpredictably

"Oddly similar to another great conqueror Genghis Kahn, Alexander The Great also moved fast and in an unpredictable manner. You could never guess where or what Alexander the Great was up to. When he was far away, he seemed close, and when he was close, he made sure to look far away. Whatever the enemy was prepared for, he was ready to do the opposite. 

He deiced that surrender was not an option. Since there was no plan B, his mind was always trying to figure out a better way to do things. He wanted to know how to surprise the enemy. He would use tactics to attack at night, in broad daylight, to cover bodies of water with his army even were not an issue. 

The takeaway from life is not to sit back and take whatever life throws your way. You need to be ready to get up and move towards what you want with velocity. At the same time, if you are predictable, they will catch you off guard, and you will lose. Be willing to switch things up and do what no one expects you to. 

#3 - Be Relentless

"Oddly similar to another great conqueror Genghis Kahn, Alexander The Great also moved fast and in an unpredictable manner. You could never guess where or what Alexander the Great was up to. When he was far away, he seemed close, and when he was close, he made sure to look far away. Whatever the enemy was prepared for, he was ready to do the opposite. 

He deiced that surrender was not an option. Since there was no plan B, his mind was always trying to figure out a better way to do things. He wanted to know how to surprise the enemy. He would use tactics to attack at night, in broad daylight, to cover bodies of water with his army even were not an issue. 

The takeaway from life is not to sit back and take whatever life throws your way. You need to be ready to get up and move towards what you want with velocity. At the same time, if you are predictable, they will catch you off guard, and you will lose. Be willing to switch things up and do what no one expects you to. 

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Summary of The Alexander The Great Net Worth and Key Habits


Always Learning


Move Fast and Be Unpredictable


Never Surrender 

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