“In order to be truly great at something you have to give into a certain amount of madness.” – Joe Rogan. Here are 40 Best Joe Rogan Quotes That Will Make You Inspired.

Joe Rogan Quotes

1. “Life is about the pursuit of excellence. That pursuit is probably more exciting to me now more than ever.” – Joe Rogan

2.  “Once you understand what excellence is all about…you see how excellence manifests itself in any discipline.” – Joe Rogan

3. “Be the hero of your own story.” – Joe Rogan

4. “Be cool to people. Be nice to as many people as you can. Smile to as many people as you can, and have them smile back at you.” – Joe Rogan

5. “To really appreciate life you got to know you're going to die.” – Joe Rogan

6. “Haters are all failures. It’s 100% across the board. No one who is truly brilliant at anything is a hater.” – Joe Rogan

7.  “A lot of times, you beat a person who beat a person who can beat you. I mean, it doesn't make any sense.” – Joe Rogan

8. “Martial arts are a vehicle for developing your human potential.” – Joe Rogan

9. “The key to happiness doesn’t lay in numbers in a bank account but in the way we make others feel and the way they make us feel.” – Joe Rogan

10. “Life is strange. You keep moving and keep moving. Before you know it, you look back and thing, ‘What was that?’” – Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan Quotes

11. “In order to be truly great at something you have to give into a certain amount of madness.” – Joe Rogan

12. “Faith itself is a horrible mechanism that stunts the growth of ideas. It also stunts the act of questioning, and it does this by pushing the idea that you have to have faith – and that nothing has to be proven.” – Joe Rogan

13. “Someone else’s success does not equal a failure for you.” – Joe Rogan

14. “If things aren’t going the way you want them to go, then do something about it. Quit talking about your problems and go out and do something to fix them.” – Joe Rogan

15. “Work for that feeling that you have accomplished something… Don’t waste your time on this earth without making a mark.” – Joe Rogan

16. “We have to start treating each other as if we are treating ourselves living another life.” – Joe Rogan

17. “There’s a confidence and a mental toughness that comes from the very highest level of competition, whatever the sport is. Whether it’s boxing or wrestling, or whatever.” – Joe Rogan

18. “There’s a direct correlation between positive energy and positive results in the physical form.” – Joe Rogan

19. “Live your life like you’re the hero in your own movie.” – Joe Rogan

20. “If you ever start taking things too seriously, just remember that we are talking monkeys on an organic spaceship flying through the universe.” – Joe Rogan

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Joe Rogan Quotes

21. “One thing I do know for a fact is that the nicer we are to our fellow human beings, the nicer the universe is to us.” – Joe Rogan

22. “I’m obsessed to extreme winners because I think there’s a madness to it. I truly believe that in order to truly be great at something you have to give into a certain amount of madness.” – Joe Rogan

23. “Be cool to people. Be nice to as many people as you can. Smile to as many people as you can, and have them smile back at you.” – Joe Rogan

24. “I had a sense of who I was before I got famous.” – Joe Rogan

25. “Your attitude has a giant effect not just on your life, but on other peoples lives around you.” – Joe Rogan

26. “The time you spend hating on someone robs you of your own time. You are literally hating on yourself and you don’t even realize it.” – Joe Rogan

27. “Reality really is a theatre. There’s no other way to describe it.  It’s all so nonsensical, ridiculous and chaotic.” – Joe Rogan

28. “The people I know that have the hardest time keeping it together emotionally are people that don't workout.” – Joe Rogan

29. “Treat everyone as if they were you. If we really are one, then I am you and you are me.” – Joe Rogan

30. “That's my only goal. Surround myself with funny people, and make sure everyone has a good time and works hard.” – Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan Quotes

31. “Choose To Be Inspired.” – Joe Rogan

32. “If you can control what you eat, you can control all other aspects of your life.” – Joe Rogan

33. “Write down things you want to improve. Write down things you won’t tolerate from yourself. Write down things you never want to see yourself do again.” – Joe Rogan

34. “Excellence in anything increases your potential in everything.” – Joe Rogan

35. “There’s a never-ending ocean of techniques out there.” – Joe Rogan

36. “Do things that are difficult. It’s very important to struggle. You don’t get to know yourself without struggle. You don’t know who you are until you get tested.” – Joe Rogan

37. “If you are the greatest, why would you go around talking about it?” – Joe Rogan

38. “Kindness is one of the best gifts you can bestow… We know that inherently that feels great.” – Joe Rogan

39. “The universe rewards calculated risk and passion.” – Joe Rogan

40. “Kindness is one of the best gifts you can bestow…We know that inherently that feels great.” – Joe Rogan

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Best of Joe Rogan Quotes

“Life is strange. You keep moving and keep moving. Before you know it, you look back and think, ‘What was that?’” – Joe Rogan
“Be cool to people. Be nice to as many people as you can. Smile to as many people as you can, and have them smile back at you.” – Joe Rogan
“The key to happiness doesn’t lay in numbers in a bank account but in the way we make others feel and the way they make us feel.” – Joe Rogan
Joe Rogan Quotes

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