Kelly Ripa Net Worth = $120 Million

Kelly Ripa is a popular Actress, TV producer, presenter, dancer, and talk show host. The entertainment star was born Kelly Maria Ripa on October 2, 1971, in Stratford, New Jersey, USA. 

Kelly started learning ballet dance at the age of three years. She went to Vооrhееѕ Тоwnѕhір, Nеw Јеrѕеу’ѕ Еаѕtеrn Rеgіоnаl Ніgh Ѕсhооl where she was a cheerleader. Ripa was married to Mark Consuelos in 1996 and the couple has three children. 

The actress in a supporter of various charitable works and believes in giving back to the community. For instance, Ripa has raised money for the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund on many occasions.

Kelly started her journey in the showbiz industry in 1986 by becoming a regular dancer for “Dancin on Air.” She later worked with “Dance Party USA” up to 1992. Ripa joined “All My Children” from 1990 to 2002 as a cast member.  

Ripa started her acting career in 1996 by taking the role of Coral in “Maryin’s Room.” She became a host in 2000 by co-hosting "Live" with Regis. The star became the host of “CNN Heroes” in 2017 and she has appeared in many shows as a guest.

Some of the notable TV shows that Ripa has featured include “Ugly Betty”, “Night Cap”, “Duck Dodgers” and “Saturday Night Live” among others. Kelly has won several awards and nominations throughout her career. She has a net worth of approximately $ 120 million.

Full Name

Source of Wealth

Known for

Birth Info

Kelly Maria Ripa


Live with Regis

United States


Quotes - Kelly Ripa Net Worth and Key Habits

“If I feel any sort of emotional upheaval, I go for a jog and I feel better.”

-Kelly Ripa

“I work out every day. It's part of my life. That's one of the benefits of having kids in school full-time.”

-Kelly Ripa

“I don't have the best family history heart-wise, so I really try to keep my heart strong.”

-Kelly Ripa

“If I'm exhausted and I just don't feel like it, then I don't do it. I am a human being, after all. But I also know I'm the kind of person who, if I take one day off, well, it's very easy for me to take the next day off and then quit exercising.”

-Kelly Ripa

“I'm usually done with work around 11 am, so I have time before I pick the kids up from school.”

-Kelly Ripa

“I think children are like pancakes. You sort of ruin the first one, and you get better at it the second time around.”

-Kelly Ripa

“In some ways, her life is so much worse than everybody else's, people feel almost cheered up and inspired. They feel like, 'If Hayley hasn't killed herself, why should I?”

-Kelly Ripa

Kelly Ripa Net Worth and Key Habits

Habit #1: Remain Strong

Life is full of struggles, and only the strong ones can achieve their dreams and be happy. Ripa understands that nothing comes easy and sometimes mistakes and losses are inevitable. She tries to remain strong even when things get out of control.

Always try to remain strong even when the going gets tough. That way, you have the energy to keep working hard when it matters. Strong people do not lose hope even when they make mistakes. Conversely, they find a way to overcome their pains so they can keep moving.

Read - 36 Motivational Quotes About Being Strong

Strong people do not lose hope even when they make mistakes or losses. Conversely, they find a way to overcome their pains so they can keep moving.

Habit #2: Plan Your Time Well

According to Ripa, time management is very important to any person who wants to excel in life. The celebrity is on record for saying, “I'm usually done with work around 11 am, so I have time before I pick the kids up from school.” She knows how to balance career and personal responsibilities.

Successful people know how to manage their time. They have numerous tasks to attend to but hey know how to get things done without feeling overwhelmed. Don't let your personal life affect your career and vice-versa. You need to have a way of balancing the two.

Read - Stop Selling Your Time So Cheap

Successful people know how to plan their time. They have numerous tasks to attend to but hey know how to do it without feeling overwhelmed. Do not let your personal life affect your career and vice-versa. You need to have a way of balancing the two.

Habit #3: Get Some Rest

Kelly does not believe in working for many hours without a break. That is why she normally rests whenever she feels exhausted, even when working a tight schedule. Ripa is a hard-working person, but she understands that her body has limits.

You do not have to kill yourself with work to accomplish your dreams. It's prudent to get some rest if exhausted and re-build your energy. Remember that success does not come in one day. You can rest today and continue pursuing your dreams tomorrow.

Read - 17 Ways to Fall Asleep Fast and Recover Quickly

You do not have to kill yourself with work to accomplish your dreams. It is prudent to get some rest if exhausted and re-build your energy. Remember that success does not come in one day. You can rest today and continue pursuing your dreams tomorrow.

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Summary - Kelly Ripa Net Worth and Key Habits


Try To Remain Strong All The Time


Plan Your Time Well


Get Some Rest If Exhausted, There Is Tomorrow

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