Kevin Smith Net Worth = $25 Million

Kevin Smith is an American filmmaker, actor, podcaster, and author. Many people know Kevin for the famous film "Clerks" that he wrote, directed, and produced. Smith was born, Kevin Patrick Smith on 2, August 1970 in Red Bank, New Jersey, United States.

The young Kevin went to Неnrу Нudѕоn Rеgіоnаl Ніgh Ѕсhооl. He discovered his love of filmmaking while in high school where he recorded school games and used the videos to produce comedy skits. The actor later joined ‘The new School’ but dropped before graduating. Kevin wanted to pursue comedy and he did not see the need to continue with his studies.  His love for comic books inspired Smith to develop a passion for filmmaking. Smith married Јеnnіfеr Ѕсhwаlbасh in 1999 and the couple has one daughter.

Kevin Smith joined the showbiz industry in 1992 and two years later, he joined Hollywood. His debut film “Clerks” had a good reception and made him a celebrity in the film industry. Other big films by Smith include “Chasing Amy”, “Dogma”, “True North trilogy”, “Cop Out”, “Mallrats” and “Yoga Hosers” among others.

Other than acting and making movies, Kevin is also a talented author. Some of his books include “Јау аnd Ѕіlеnt Воb’ѕ Вluерrіntѕ Fоr Dеѕtrоуіng Еvеrуthіng” and “Ѕіlеnt Воb Ѕреаkѕ” among others. He has also worked with other authors to write great comic books. Kevin has won several accolades throughout his career and an actor, filmmaker, and author.

He has a net worth of approximately $25 million.

Full Name

Source of Wealth

Known for

Birth Info

Kevin Patrick Smith


“Clerks”, Chasing Amy", "Dogma", and several other films.



Quotes - Kevin Smith Net Worth and Key Habits

“It's taken me 15 years to step behind a camera and make something everyone agrees looks like a movie.”

-Kevin Smith

“All these people who say success changes people; well, no, it just magnifies what's there.”

-Kevin Smith

“Haven't two hundred years of failed missionary work overseas taught anybody anything? You can't convert people to anything - whether religion or something as inane as our flicks.”

-Kevin Smith

“It's like a dream come true. When somebody is paying you to talk about yourself, you've won.”

-Kevin Smith

“Don't let anybody tell you different, man: The main goal in life careerwise should always be to try to get paid to simply be yourself.”

-Kevin Smith

“I didn't get into film to win Academy Awards. Yah, I wanted to have a conversation with the audience.”

-Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith Net Worth and Key Habits

Habit #1: You Cannot Rush Success

The journey to success is a long one and sometimes full of challenges.  You need to be patient if you want to accomplish your dreams.  Kevin is on records for saying, “It's taken me 15 years to step behind a camera and make something everyone agrees looks like a movie.” He believes that he could not have become a successful filmmaker if he was not patient.

The reason why many people do not excel in their careers is that they want to accomplish everything in the shortest time possible. Do not be in hurry to achieve wealth and fame because quick fame and money do not last. On the contrary, take time to grow your career so that you can master skills and become the best in your industry.

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The reason why many people do not excel in their careers is that they want to accomplish everything in the shortest time possible. Do not be in hurry to achieve wealth and fame because quick fame and money do not last.

Habit #2: Focus On Changing Your Life

According to Smith, you cannot change other people no matter how hard you try. That is why he focuses on changing his life so that he can become a successful member of society. He does not care about how other people do with their lives as long as they do not affect him.

It is wrong to waste your time trying to change other people when you have done nothing about your life. We share the world but each person has or her life to live and goals to achieve. Therefore, you should work hard to achieve your goals and ignore things that do not add value to your life.

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It is wrong to waste your time trying to change other people when you have done nothing about your life. We share the world but each person has or her life to live and goals to achieve.

Habit #3: Have Specific Career Goals

According to Kelvin, he did not get into the film industry to win Academy Awards or to become famous. He wanted to use films to communicate with his audience and change their lives. Thus, Smith does not care how long it takes to prepare a film as long as it serves the desired purpose.

The secret to success is having specific goals that you want to achieve and a plan to achieve them. You cannot be successful in life if you just work with no predetermined goals that want to achieve. For instance, do not just say that you want to buy a car before the end of the year. Be specific about the type of car that you want to buy and its price.

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The secret to success is having specific goals that you want to achieve and a plan to achieve them. You cannot be successful in life if you just work with no predetermined goals that want to achieve. 

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Summary - Kevin Smith Net Worth and Key Habits


You Cannot Rush Success


Focus On Changing Your Life


Have Specific Career Goals

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