Anthony Garcia Net Worth = $20 Million

The Cuban-American actor was an entrepreneur from a young age. His father had started a fragrance business in the USA. It became a family business for him and his siblings. But he still decided to go out on his own instead of running the family multi-million dollar business. He attended Florida International University, where he got into acting. Once he graduated, he decided to move out to Hollywood. 

His most popular acting roles were The Godfather Part III and Oceans 11. He tended to be cast into characters playing a bad guy or doing some criminal activity. He went on a bit of a hiatus from 2006 until 2017. In 2018 he starred in four different films, and his career began making a comeback.

Full Name

Source of Wealth

Known for

Birth Info

Andy Garcia 


The Godfather III

Ocean's 11



Quotes - Andy Garcia Net Worth and Key Habits

My uncle, who was a little more flamboyant, always said the guy who dressed the best was Fred Astaire. - Andy Garcia 

They say a lot of women would like to see me naked, but there's not a lens long enough for that. - Andy Garcia

I don't control the movies that are offered to me, but I make choices based on certain parameters. - Andy Garcia 

The reality is that the work I do is not private work. I bring all my secrets, my life, to my work. Anybody who's seen my work knows everything about me. -Andy Garcia

Andy Garcia Net Worth and Key Habits

Habit #1 - Don't Give Up

The Andy Garcia Net Worth is worth $20 Million because he has developed the habit of holding on. When others are giving up, he is just getting started. The first reason for this is because he watched his family move from Cuba to the USA. Then once getting to the USA with no money and a hungry family, they started their own business from the ground up. No matter how hard it got, they hung on. His career has looked the same way, and its why he keeps coming back. 

Anyone can learn from Andy Garcia. If you don't develop the habit of hanging on when others are telling you to quit, you will never succeed at anything. You have to fight and keep hanging on beyond it, making any sense to continuing doing so.

Habit #2 - Stand For Your People 

The actor is known for openly opposing the communist regime in Cuba. He has seen the level of corruption that exists in Cuba. His family move to USA with nothing and still had the chance to make a living for themselves. regardless of their skin color or class. He celebrated when Castro finally passed because he knows how much he has made the Cuban people suffer. 

You have to stand for something in life. Even if it means that people will hate you or look down on you. We live in a world where people want to force you to think like majority. You have to be okay being different and standing out from the crowd. 

Habit #3 - Family First 

Andy Garcia is one of the few actors with a family that he not only cherish but makes an effort to spend time with them. When you talk to him, he loves to bring up his family before any movie or award he has won. The number one review he cares about is the one he gets from his family. When he travels for work, it's no more than a week, and he always tries to bring family with him.

You cant forget that success is about relationships. If you have all the accolades and money in the world, but your family hates you, what is the point of it all? You always have to put family first and make that your top priority.

Summary of The Anthony Garcia Net Worth and Key Habits


Don't Give Up 


Stand For Your People 


Family First 

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