“By loving you more, you love the person you are caring for more. ” — Peggi Speers. Here are 40 Caring Caregiver Quotes.
Caregiver Quotes
1. “To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honors.” — Tia Walker
2. “Caregivers attract caregivers and live in a community of love. They are energized by their caring, fulfilled, and they love life.” —Gary Zukav
3. “There will come a time when your loved one is gone, and you will find comfort in the fact that you were their caregiver” — Karen Coetzer
4. “The closest thing to being cared for is to care for someone else.” — Carson McCullers
5. “Sometimes our work as caregivers is not for the faint of heart. But, you will never know what you’re made of until you step into the fire. Step bravely.” —Deborah A. Beasley
6. “Caregiving often calls us to lean into love we didn’t know possible.” — Tia Walker
7. “My caregiver mantra is to remember: the only control you have is over the changes you choose to make.” — Nancy L. Kriseman
8. “Care is a state in which something does matter; it is the source of human tenderness.”— Rollo May
9. “Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have” — Margaret Mead
10. “Caregivers attract caregivers and live in a community of love. They are energized by their caring, fulfilled, and they love life” — Gary Zukav
Caregiver Quotes
11. “Caring about others, running the risk of feeling, and leaving an impact on people, brings happiness.” — Harold Kushner
12. “The simple act of caring is heroic.” — Edward Albert
13. “One person caring about another represents life's greatest value” — Jim Rohn
14. “Caregivers of those with a traumatic brain injury had their blood pressure recorded at certain time of day at meals and during other activities. The blood pressure of the people who had adopted the pets went down dramatically.” — Karen Allen
15. “Family is not an important thing. It's everything.” — Michael J. Fox
16. “An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered” — G. K. Chesterton
17. “Never underestimate your problem or your ability to deal with it.” — Robert H. Schuller
18. “Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you; they’re supposed to help you discover who you are.” — Bernice Johnson Reagon
19. “Embracing a healing presence requires you to just be in the moment together.” — Nancy L. Kriseman
20. “People tell you to keep your "courage" up. But the time for courage is when she was sick, when I took care of her and saw her suffering, her sadness, and when I had to conceal my tears. Constantly one had to make a decision, put on a mask and that was courage.” — Roland Barthes
Caregiver Quotes
21. “I am an unlikely guardian. A month ago I thought the Medicare doughnut hole was a breakfast special for seniors. I am a care inflictor.” — George Hodgman
22. “I want that person you knew to return. But the truth is, this may be the best we achieve. Today, having her here and comfortable and not agitated…that may be as good as we get. Are you okay with that?” — Chris Fabry
23. “One goal of the mindful caregiver is to find ways to not feel ‘dis-eased’ in the caregiving process.” — Nancy L. Kriseman
24. “I will be the first one to greet you, Welcome back. Even if I know you’d rather go.” — Romalyn Ante
25. “I love you but I got to love me more.” — Peggi Speers
26. “By loving you more, you love the person you are caring for more. ” — Peggi Speers
27. “Many of us follow the commandment 'Love One Another.' When it relates to caregiving, we must love one another with boundaries. We must acknowledge that we are included in the 'Love One Another.” — Peggi Speers
28. “Home was where others had to gather grace. Home was what I wanted to flee.” — Jerry Pinto
29. “Perspective is an incredibly powerful tool. It tempers how we receive information, and guides what we choose do with it.” — T.A. Sorensen
30. “In most families, care-giving becomes the woman's responsibility. While care-giving can enrich you, it can also deplete you if you don't have support or make time for self care.” — Kathleen Kendall
Caregiver Quotes
31. “You will never experience personal growth, if you fear taking chances. And, you will never become successful, if you operate without integrity.” — T a Sorensen
32. “My original fear that my daughter was going to die before Betty Jane and myself has now been replaced with the fear that she is going to outlive us.” — John Passaro
33. “Caregiving leaves its mark on us. No matter what we do to prepare ourselves the hole left behind looms large.” — Dale L. Baker
34. “It seems like it has been forever. But i get the feeling that forever hasn't even started yet.” — John Passaro
35. “Kindness can transform someone’s dark moment with a blaze of light. You’ll never know how much your caring matters.” — Amy Leigh Mercree
36. “There are only four kinds of people in the world: Those who have been caregivers. Those who are currently caregivers. Those who will be caregivers, and those who will need a caregiver.” — Rosalyn Carter
37. “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” — Lao Tzu
38. “They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” — Carl W. Buechner
39. “A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything” — Irish proverb
40. “ From caring comes courage.” — Lao Tzu
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