The mission you are on must stay top of mind. It's not until you choose that failure is not an option that life starts changing. That decision to commit to success will get you to do the things that other people will not do.  

Failure is easy, but success is hard! It sounds wrong, but it's true. When you fail, people can relate to what you are going through, and some are even happy you failed. When you fail, you are disappointed, but you don't have to adjust to a new level because all is the same. But to succeed it requires that you embrace growth and change.

Too Much Comfort Breeds Failure Because You're Not Forcing Yourself to Stretch and Grow Enough. 

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Failure is Not an Option - Success Brings More

When you succeed, everything starts growing and changing on you. People look up to you more; your bank swells up, you get more responsibility. Everything you used to do is now not enough. That is why people are scared of success. They are afraid of all that comes with it. 

Your circle becomes afraid of who they would have to become to maintain their new level of life. Failing over and over means that you can keep your life the same. Because the average person is used to failing a lot, so when they see you fail, they know how to come alongside you.

When they see you reaching new heights, they often don't know how to respond or how they can help. That causes a lot of people to separate from you when they see you succeed, making success feel much more laborious.

  • Success brings more responsibility
  • Not everyone in your circle knows how to deal with success
  • Failing can help you to maintain your current lifestyle

Failure Keeps You Comfortable, and Failure is Not an Option

When you fail, you think it often sounds so hard, but what do you usually do whether you want to or not? You carry on with life! Of course, you struggle and feel sad, but it is also a reminder that you will be staying at the same level. It keeps you in a place of comfort.

If you're trying to go to a school that is far from home over the local school and we fail to get in, you're left disappointed, but we are also left with more comfort. That is why people often talk about how you need to be uncomfortable to succeed. Too much comfort breeds failure because you're not forcing yourself to stretch and grow enough.

A similar environment means predictable people surround you. Even when you are trying to change, they are often not. They are more than happy to make sure that you stay the same.

If you start to change and grow, it will make them uncomfortable. So they encourage you to fail so then you never change, and they can treat you the same, so they don't have to change.

It sounds messed up, but family can sometimes be the worst for this. They see you doing more important things, and they start saying that you think you're too good for them now and stupid stuff like that. Those are signs that they see you trying to pull away and they don't like it.

Warning Words to Look Out For 

  • You don't have time for us anymore
  • You're too busy for us now
  • All you do is work
  • You think you're better than us

Hearing the words above do not always mean you are in the right, and they are in the wrong. You should stop an reflect on what they are saying and evaluate if it's coming from a good place or a fearful place. Do they think you work so much or is that they work so little you make them feel bad?

  • Comfort is the worst enemy of success
  • Look out for the language of haters
  • The people closest to you can hold you back the most

Success Forces Growth and Failure is Not an Option

Even if you have none of the above around you and your environment is fantastic, it does not mean you don't need to push yourself into discomfort. Discomfort forces growth quicker than anything else. You don't grow and get better naturally.

A lot of times you think that because you are getting older that you are getting better. That is a huge assumption. Age does not always bring growth in anything other than the number of years you have been alive.

Real growth comes from being forced into a situation you don't want to be in. Some people think the world is a horrible place because bad things happen.

The truth is that if bad things didn't occur, people would never make a change. The best businesses and ideas often come out of bad situations and coming up with ways to make sure that they do not happen again.

On the flip side of that, good things happening to you also force growth because you're outside of the comfort zone. The worse place you can be then is right in the middle.

Right in the middle is where you are comfortable enough to be away from the bad, but you are still far away from the good life too. You're just sitting in the middle of our little protective bubble.

It's that time! It's your time to shine! Failure is not an option.

  • Success forces growth
  • Stay away from comfort 
  • Age does not equal growth

How to Get Started?

Habit Stacker provides resources to help you improve your habits. The first way we do this is through our online course Habit Mastery. The second way is with the Habit Stacker mobile app.

Olympian and founder of Habit Stacker Ian Warner, teaches the Habit Mastery course. He walks you through practical techniques that you can use to improve your life. No fluff or non-sense! You get instant access to over 45 different videos breaking down how to build good habits.


Failure is not hard, but success is. When you fail, your life can stay the same and the people around you often know how to deal with failure. What makes more people hateful is seing you have massive success.

The best way to prepare your life for massive success is to be prepared to trim the friends that want you to hold you back. Then you need embrace change and growth until your life looks the way you want it to. 

Hey there! Fancy meeting you here in the realm of success and personal growth. Allow us to introduce Habit Stacker, your go-to source for top-notch, life-transforming content. Whether you’re aiming for triumph in your personal or professional life, we’ve got your back!

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