If you want to know how to focus on reading, it requires learning how to focus on anything. First, you need to make it a priority, and the second, you need to remove distractions. The combination of these two things is the short and sweet secret.

When it comes to learning how to focus on reading specifically, though, there are three things you can do to make this work for you. 

  1. Control Your Environment 
  2. Fill Your Gaps in The Day with Reading
  3. Track Your Reading Habit 

Doing these three things is easier said than done, so we will give you some practical tips to make doing this nice and easy for you. 

The Results Don’t Lie. 

No one reads books and looks back and wishes they never read more. There may be a book here and there that you did not enjoy, but reading is a positive thing overall. 

The more you read, the more up to date your brain feels. It’s like how apps always get new versions and updates. Updates help to fix bugs and improve features.

Reading can do the same for your brain. It helps your mind to work at a higher level. It’s worth learning how to focus on reading. 

What is The Problem? 

You have to understand that one of the benefits of reading is that it teaches you to concentrate. You can’t half-ass read something and expect to retain the information.

In a world that is continually chasing after the new shiny object. You have seemingly unlimited options to watch on Disney+, Netflix, YouTube, Hulu, and Amazon Prime.

To sit down and have to read a book it seems boring due to the lack of stimulation. The real problem is that all of the stimuli from reading has to happen in your mind. It can’t happen anywhere else.

The only way to learn how to focus on reading is to stay with it and keep reading more. You have to be intentional about staying locked in and avoiding distractions.

You have to understand that one of the benefits of reading is that it teaches you to concentrate. You can’t half-ass read something and expect to retain the information.

1. How to Focus On Reading? Control Your Environment 

One of the most important things you can do when reading is control your environment as much as possible. You may not be able to control everything around you, depending on where you’re reading, but there are always some things that you can do. 

Put Your Phone On Silent 

One of the biggest distractions in modern society is the smartphone. Ironically the smartphone is making us all look a lot dumber. It’s taking over our lives with its push notifications and constant distraction. The amount of information at your disposal on your phone is incredible. 

If you want to focus on your reading, you will need to put your phone on silent. You don’t need to hear any beeps or buzzes to get your mind wondering what you’re missing out on. Turn it all off, and when you’re done reading, it will all still be there.

Remove Phone From Your Vision 

It’s not enough to just shut things down on your phone. It’s such a distraction that you will need to get rid of it altogether. Put it in another room!

You have to do this because of our ingrained habits of checking our phone for no reason. If it’s in another room, you don’t have to worry about your eyes making you want to check it. 

Go to a Quiet Space or Put Headphones On 

Find a quiet place to read. There is a reason that libraries are quiet. Its because reading was not meant to be done in front of a TV. It should demand your full attention. A quiet space or a specific chair you like to sit in to read will help set the mood. 

If you’re in a public place and it’s noisy, put your headphones on. You don’t even have to play music. The headphones send a message to others that you’re busy and focused. 

No Breaks Until You Finish a Page 

Avoid having to start and stop a million times with your thoughts or other people. Push yourself to finish a page before you stop to take notes or do anything. Read in blocks of a page at a time. If that is too much, then try and read a paragraph at a time to start. 

Read – Supercharge Your Productivity in 25 Minutes

If you want to focus on your reading, you will need to put your phone on silent. You don’t need to hear any beeps or buzzes to get your mind wondering what you’re missing out on. Turn it all off, and when you’re done reading, it will all still be there.

2. Fill The Gaps in Your Day With Reading 

You know something has become a priority in your life when it starts to fill the gaps in your day. Everyone has holes in their day where they don’t have anything scheduled, but they have something to do later. 

These gaps represent the perfect times to start reading because they seem small, but they add up. If you have five different ten-minute holes in your day, for example, that would almost be an hour of reading.

Could you imagine reading for 50 minutes every day for an entire year? You will have no issue focusing on reading. 

The key to getting good at anything is doing the little things well. If you can’t read for 10 minutes when you have a break in your day, you’re telling yourself that reading is not essential enough to do that. 

Read – Reading Mastery – Your Guide to Opening Your Mind With Books

3. Set It Up as a Habit and Track it Daily 

The last thing you need to do is use Habit Stacker to track your habits. Tracking habits works because it brings attention to the behaviors that you want to adopt. If you don’t do them each day, you need to say that you didn’t get it done and feel disappointed. 

Tracking habits also helps you to get excited about your momentum. When you can visually see that you have read multiple days in a row, you want to keep that going. 

When learning how to focus on reading, you need to keep practicing and putting in reps. One of the best ways to do that is with daily habits. Habits are behaviors you automatically revert to. If you make reading a habit, you can count on getting it done each day. 

Read – 11 Habits to Supercharge Your Daily Motivation

Check Out This Great Resource…

How to Focus When Reading: 15 Proven Techniques

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