Jack Hibbs Net Worth = $8 Million

Jack Hibbs is a famous American senior pastor, conference speaker, and author. He’s best known as the founder of the Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in Southern California. Jack was born on December 15, 1958, in California, USA.

His mother wanted to abort him but the abortion failed and she stayed in the hospital until his birth.  Hibbs had a difficult childhood and he became violent during his teen years. He never felt loved by his father and he was sad and angry most of the time.

 Jack’s life changed in 1977 when he visited Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. Later he married his wife Lisa and they started doing a home fellowship with just six people.  He later started Calvary Chapel Chino and he has numerous ministries in different parts of the world.

Jack has a net worth of approximately $8 million.

Full Name

Source of Wealth

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Birth Info

Jack Hibbs

Senior pastor Church owner conference speaker Author

Founder of the Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in Southern California



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Quotes - Jack Hibbs Net Worth and Key Habits

“Fathers and mothers must become a picture of Jesus to their children.”

– Jack Hibbs

“Passing on a spiritual heritage to your children takes more than simply teaching God’s Word; it takes living out God’s Word.”

– Jack Hibbs

“A radical awakening, a change, repentance, that took place in God’s people, bringing about a dramatic shift to the culture at large. The result was a witness to the lost, which brought salvation to many.”

– Jack Hibbs

“California seems to have hit rock bottom regarding its cultural experiments”

– Jack Hibbs

“Christians have swallowed some bill of goods that says Christians cannot speak into political issues.”

– Jack Hibbs

“Churches should offer voter registration drives and educate their members on the critical issues in each election.”

– Jack Hibbs

“Legislation and politicians may fight to impose unbiblical values on our families, but God retains all authority, not man-made programs and government.”

– Jack Hibbs

“We live in a world that is governed by God and, because Christ died for us, we can have hope in this world.”

– Jack Hibbs

“Stand strong until the end, Jesus is coming soon, and I hope it’s today.”

– Jack Hibbs

“We have seen conversions, prayers, and people weeping with joy and conviction.”

– Jack Hibbs

“For this church it has been crazy amazing, we are reaching the most amount of people ever with many thousands of people coming on Wednesdays and Sundays.”

– Jack Hibbs

Jack Hibbs Net Worth and Key Habits

Habit #1: Never Lose Hope

According to Jack Hibbs, you should never lose hope in life because God can never let you down. The senior pastor is on record for saying, “We live in a world that is governed by God and, because Christ died for us, we can have hope in this world.” Jack believes that he can lose everything but not hope.

You can go far in life if you're optimistic that your tomorrow gonna be better. Therefore, you should never lose hope in whatever you do even if things become tough. Always remember that it’s darkest before the dawn and God can never leave you alone. Keeping moving and you’ll eventually reach your destination.

Read - 36 Motivational Growth Mindset Quotes  

We live in a world that is governed by God and, because Christ died for us, we can have hope in this world.

Habit #2: Allow God To Take Control

The easiest way to live happily is by allowing God to take control of your life. Jack Hibbs believes that no authority here on earth should be superior to God’s authority. The famous pastor once said, “Legislation and politicians may fight to impose unbiblical values on our families, but God retains all authority, not man-made programs and government.”

Some people don’t live happily, because they don’t allow God to take control over their lives. Consequently, such people end up making wrong decisions that cost them happiness. It’s wise to allow God to control your life because you can never go wrong. Most importantly, you should note that whatever you do should be by the grace of God.

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Legislation and politicians may fight to impose unbiblical values on our families, but God retains all authority, not man-made programs and government.

Habit #3: You Have To Work Very Hard

According to Jack Hibbs, believing in God alone can never change your life. He credits his success as a pastor and church founder to hard work and God's grace. It has taken Jack over three decades to grow his church and extend his ministries globally.

Believing in God can’t change your life if you don’t supplement it with hard work. Therefore, you should go out there and pursue your goals. Identify things that you wanna achieve in life and work on them. However, you shouldn’t forget to ask God to bless the work of your hands and help you to overcome challenges that you may encounter along the way.

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Believing in God can’t change your life if you don’t supplement it with hard work. Therefore, you should go out there and pursue your goals. 

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Summary - Jack Hibbs Net Worth and Key Habits


Never Lose Hope


Allow God To Take Control


You Have To Work Very Hard

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