I know the pain, you are working a job to fund and sustain yourself until your side hustle is ready. If you are going to make this happen, you will need to have stricter habits and be even more productive than a successful entrepreneur. Successful entrepreneurs have money, a team, and can afford to do things on their own time. You are not in the same place, which means if you want to get there, you need to be even better than them.

Habits make success a sure thing if you are willing to endure. People will always fall to the level of their systems. If your systems are high level, you have no worries, but if you follow a faulty system, you will rely on it when you are stressed. You can improve that system, and doing the things that help your life will build you up. Here are the habits you need to adopt and how you can put them into action.

The following habits are centered around being productive because you won't have a lot of time. There are 24 hours a day, minus 8 to sleep, minus 8 to work, only leaving you with 8 hours. You have not eaten, or done any of the many other things that come up in a day yet. You have to treat the time you have like gold.

Habits make success a sure thing if you are willing to endure. People will always fall to the level of their systems.

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Limit Sugar 

You are going to have some long days. While most people can work 8 hours and then spend the rest of their time chilling, you will work more. The only way you can succeed at this is by having high energy.

Things like sugar, alcohol rob you of energy. Sugar is the most natural culprit to pick on, though, because it's in so much of the food we eat now. Diets can be complicated, but one thing they all agree is on is the high amounts of sugar is not a good thing.

If you smash sugar, it often leads to energy crashes. Sugar will make you feel full for a while, but it's not sustainable energy. For that reason alone you should avoid it.

If you smash sugar it often leads to energy crashes. Sugar will make you feel good for a while but it's not sustainable energy. For that reason alone you should avoid it.

Wake Up Early 

You have a choice here, you can wake up early, stay up late, or you can do both. I strongly suggest you start with waking up early. If you get up, then you can start every day working on the thing you love. That will help to motivate you for the day. If you’re tired, get up anyway and give your workplace the tired version of yourself.

The problem with the evening is that there is so much more chance of stuff coming up. This is only worse if you are married and have kids. There are a bunch of distractions to your evenings that you will have to deal with. More people are awake and trying to call you and get your attention.

In the morning, nothing is going on. My life changed when I started getting up at 3 in the morning because I had four hours of peace to work on my craft. You don’t need to get up that early, but you need to get up early than you need to.


Staying hydrated is one of the easiest ways to boost your energy. There are so many times that people feel tired when they are just dehydrated. You should carry a water bottle with you everywhere you go.

Set a goal for the amount of water you want to drink and the time you want to drink it by and make sure you get it done every day. Your body and brain function much better when your body is hydrated sufficiently.

Set a goal for the amount of water you want to drink and the time you want to drink it by and make sure you get it done every day. Your body and brain function much better when your body is hydrated sufficiently.

Quick Intense Workout 

You don’t have all of the time in the world to workout. But let's be real people waste so much time when they workout. The way to fight this is to get in short 20-minute intense workouts. Don’t stop moving, at all points of the workout you should be doing something. If you are not moving you are wasting precious time.

Working out is going to do two things.

  1. Increase energy
  2. Improve blood flow to the brain

Both of these things are going to help you to last throughout the day. The blood flow to the brain will help you to be alert, and produce your best work.

Working out is going to do two things.

Increase energy
Improve blood flow to the brain

Focus On Most Important Task

There is no time to just waste on random busywork. When you are running your own business, you can do a million things that won't drive the needle forward. For example, you can be working on your Facebook header instead of working on the email marketing that is going to make you money.

Every night before you go to bed, you should write down the most important task of the next day. Don't switch focus or do anything else until that thing is done. Once it's done, if you want to move on to other less important work, you can. You should always be doing the most important task.


Every day you should be learning and growing in some fashion. One of the easiest things to throw out when you are busy is your learning time. You don't want to do this because learning helps you to do things better.

For example, if I did not read the Miracle Morning book, I would never have grasped just how powerful the morning is. I would have been sleeping in and wondering why my life was not where I wanted it to be.

You have to continually be seeking growth and getting better. You never know what conference, book, course, or mentor will take your life to the next level. You are not where you want to be, and learning more will help you sharpen the saw.

You have to constantly be seeking growth and getting better. You never know what conference, book, course, or mentor is going to take your life to the next level. You are not where you want to be and learning more will help you to keep sharpening the saw.

Your Side Hustle is Up To You

If you want your side hustle to be successful, you are going to have to earn it. There are no shortcuts here. Habits are only powerful when you do them consistently for an extended period of time. All of the things on this list will pay off if you show up for them every day. You can follow our system to make sure you get it right.

The System

  1. Stack Habit stacking is what you will do to build your habits. Habit stacking is using a habit as a cue to begin another habit. It makes it easy to remember and complete numerous habits at one time.
  2. Start - Getting up early creates room for your habits each day that you did not have before.  Each day starts on your own term doing the thing you want to do so you can take control of your life again.
  3. Schedule - Block the first portion of your day so you know that the first part of your day is for your habits.
  4. Show-Up – You can do everything listed above but if you don’t show up, none of it matters. Most of success is just showing up every day for it.

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