Lil Scrappy Net Worth = $1 Million

Lil Scrappy is an American rapper, songwriter, record producer, and actor. The rapper is famous for his two hit singles, “Head Bussa” and “No Problem.”

Darryl Kevin Richardson (Lil Scrappy) was born on January 19, 1984, in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. He grew up with his mother, together with 13 siblings, after their father left them. 

The talented rapper has a net worth of approximately $1 million.

Full Name

Source of Wealth

Known for

Birth Info

Darryl Kevin Richardson


No Problems

United States


Quotes - Lil Scrappy Net Worth and Key Habits

"When that Diamond situation happened, it just taught me a real valuable lesson, 'cause I know, as I can see, I'm not a good judge of character."

-Lil Scrappy

"I ain't never had my little heart broken before, but now that it happened, I don't think it would happen for a long time."

-Lil Scrappy

"But the good side about that is, you don't put nobody before God.”

-Lil Scrappy

"I just want to be real with life."

-Lil Scrappy

"Now that's all I like to do. I like to be truthful.”

-Lil Scrappy

"You have to be able to move to it, but also get something out of it."

-Lil Scrappy

"I've been gone a while, but you're going to see a lot of Lil Scrappy this year,"

-Lil Scrappy

Lil Scrappy Net Worth and Key Habits

Habit #1: Don’t Be Judgmental

According to Lil Scrappy, you can't go far in life if you are always judgmental. The rapper once said, "When that Diamond situation happened, it just taught me a really valuable lesson, 'cause I know, as I can see, I'm not a good judge of character."

Lil Scrappy understands that we all make mistakes, and we deserve a second chance to correct our errors. He tries his best to see things from a positive side, and he tries to accommodate what other people do.

Successful people aren't quick to judge members of their teams negatively. On the contrary, they try to accommodate them as long as possible to grow together. That way, they're able to keep qualified and experienced workers.

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Lil Scrappy understands that we all make mistakes, and we deserve a second chance to correct our errors

Habit #2: Put Nobody Before God

God is the supreme provider, and he should come first in all aspects of life. Lil Scrappy believes that he would not be where he is today if not for the grace of God.

The rapper is on record for saying, "But the good side about that is, you don't put nobody before God." Lil believes that with God, everything is possible. 

God is faithful to the people who believe in him. That's why it's good to involve him in whatever you do so that he can guide and protect you.

God to help you overcome the challenges that you encounter in your career. Remember that God can do things that seem impossible for human beings.

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God is faithful to the people who believe in him. 

Habit #3: Be Real In Whatever You Do

The secret to having a successful career is being real in whatever you do. Lil Scrappy understands that he can't become a successful rapper by pretending to be like other rappers.

That's why he once said, "I just want to be real with life." Scrappy has been working very hard to build his brand in the highly competitive music industry.

The rule of thumb is to be yourself in whatever you do and let people know you for who you are. Let people love you or hate you for who you are and not what you pretend to be.

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The rule of thumb is to be yourself in whatever you do and let people know you for who you are. Let people love you or hate you for who you are and not what you pretend to be.

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Summary - Lil Scrappy Net Worth and Key Habits


Don’t Be Judgmental


Put Nobody Before God


Be Real In Whatever You Do

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