If you want to know how to be successful and how it starts this article is going to show you. The problem with people today is that all they want to obsess over is the results. You see the YouTube channel with a million subscribers. So you make one video, get seven hits all from the momma dukes, and you quit the next week. To break this trend, I decided to podcast every day!
You see the people who are masters at what they do, and you assume they were born that way. A big part of what we teach here at Habit Stackers is to succeed, and you need to show up. If you want more success, then show up for what you want.
When I first started habit stacker, I had a good track record with my writing and sticking with it. I have published thousands of blog posts now. My track record with the podcast was not good at all. I had two different podcasts I started and let them die, and that is inexcusable to me. I was raised to finish what I start.
With Habit Stacker, it was going to be different, so I challenged myself. If you want to be good at anything you need to put in your reps. If you don’t put the reps in, you will always suck. Do some people have the talent and get a bit of a head start of course but that’s not still the case. The challenge was that I needed to drop a podcast every day of the week. At first, it was Monday – Friday, but I got so hungry that I started recording daily. Here is what I learned:
If you want to be good at anything you need to put in your reps. If you don’t put the reps in, you will always suck. Do some people have the talent and get a bit of a head start of course but that’s not still the case.
Stack New Habits In The Middle of Your Habit Stack?
The purpose of habit stacking is to make your habits easier to remember by using a habit as a cue for another. Meaning you need one established habit and a that you will remember to make the rest of your habits. I stepped it up to another level by sticking podcasting right before something I wanted to do.
Wake Up (Keystone Habit)
Read Bible
Read The Laws of Success
Brain Training
Work on the most important task
Here is what I learned from doing this. I crave my workout and starting to work on my most important task. I can’t get to those things without doing my podcast.
By doing this, it helped me to enjoy doing the podcast because what comes next is the best part of the morning. Habit stacking is so effective! When you add a new habit into the middle of it, it makes it even easier to keep up.
Showing Up Sucks and Then You Get Addicted?
When I first started it, I dreaded podcasting. But this is a similar trend I have noticed throughout my life. A lot of people get this wrong. When I first started running track, people assume it was love at first sight because I eventually made the Olympics. This is far from the case.
I hated running, and I hated having a coach tell me what to do and how hard to run daily. My coach was smart, though. He saw talent, but I was young, so he said to my mom, “Ian can come and train whenever he feels like it.”
He knew something that I didn’t at the time, and that’s that there is power in just showing up. At first, I would come a few days a week. Then I started coming daily, and before you know it, I was all bought into his training.
When you show up a few things happen. Your expectations and identity can begin to change. With podcasting, I went from trying to podcast to seeing myself as a podcaster. The second thing that happens is you see progress and don’t want to let your tribe down.
With track, it was my training partners. I wanted to be there because they expected me and needed me to be there for their workouts. I took that responsibility seriously. With the podcast, I started to get more people listening, and I had to keep helping them.
It's About You Not Them?
One thing that was very different for me about the podcast is that I never did it for other people. I did not do it for my wife, family, or even the listeners. My reason for starting it was to show up for this every day. If no one showed up to listen, that is not in my power. All I can do is show up the next and the next day and keep giving my all.
When you commit to showing up, you are committing to yourself, not to other people. If you have a dream, it's your dream, and you need to prove it to yourself more than anyone that you have what it takes. If you can’t show up to practice, a podcast or to write every day, how do you expect to change the world?
Consistency Wears People Down - So Does Dropping a Podcast Every Day ?
Show up to anything every day, and you will notice that no one cares at first. There is a good reason for this. Think about working on one thing for two years, that is a long time, right? But when you think about anyone else doing something for two years, it does not seem that long.
Life tests people to see how serious you are about something. The people who care about what they are doing stick it out for years! The ones who don’t come and go with different projects every so often.
When you show up every day, you are showing people that you are here to stay and it begins to wear them down. When I started podcasting the first few episodes had like 60 listens. Then it dropped off to like 15 listens. People listened to the first episode to see how bad I suck then they didn’t come back.
It stayed low key for a long while. It took about 100 episodes before I noticed things starting to grow and take off. When people see I have done a certain amount of work, they know I am here to stay.
Duplicate The Efforts and The Results Become Exponential ?
Here is the crazy part of this all. Once I realized how good it felt to do the podcast daily. I decided to write every day, as well. It was not even about the results. I decided to do this because I knew that consistency would wear people down.
I knew that podcasting daily was a mere flicker of the potential of Habit Stacker. I have an app, a blog, and a Podcast. I figured why not combine it all and make them all feed each other so that I have my ecosystem. This is how I bet on myself. On the blog, I could sell ads, but instead, I promote the app and the course.
In the course, I promote the app. From podcasting daily, I get to talk about the course and the blog. They are all interconnected. They all support each other and help each other to succeed. Here is the thing though, it would not have happened if I did not show up daily. Showing up daily gave me the contest to do and be more.
Showing Up Is Everything - I Went With Podcasting Every Day ?
I can’t stress the importance of showing up enough. If you listen to the daily podcast, I hope you are so sick of hearing about showing up. Think about this, can you improve your writing if you don’t write? Can you run faster if you don’t run?
There is no chance, the first step to all success is showing up. Once you show up once, then show up more. The goal is to do the things that will improve you the most as much as you can.