“When you see validation for a life's work and dedication, it's a beautiful day.” — Mary Gauthier. Here are 50 Amazing Beautiful Day Quotes.

Beautiful Day Quotes

1.“Today's a beautiful day, and yesterday was a beautiful day, so that means it's a great life.” — Gnash

2.“We can choose to wake up and grumble all day and be bitter and angry and judge others and find satisfaction in others doing bad instead of good. Or we can we wake up with optimism and love and say, 'Just what is this beautiful day going to bring me?” — Margaret Trudeau

3.“When you see validation for a life's work and dedication, it's a beautiful day.” — Mary Gauthier

4.“If it's a beautiful day, I love taking walks. The walks are always aimless.” — Pete Hamill

5.“Every day alive in the 'Power' world is a beautiful day.” — Brandon Victor Dixon

6.“It's a beautiful day for a ballgame... Let's play two!” — Ernie Banks

7.“It's a beautiful tale, and today is a beautiful day without any bugs.” — Hugo Pratt

8.“As much as I love to shop online, I also love walking the streets on a beautiful day and seeing what finds I can discover in a small shop or vintage store.” — Natalie Massenet

9.“Every day I don't Google my name, there's another beautiful day.” — Bill Callahan

10.“July 2. A beautiful day for Labrador. Went ashore and killed nothing, but was pleased with what I saw. The country is so grandly wild and desolate that I am charmed by its wonderful dreariness.” — John James Audobon

11.“I used to suffer from a lot of regret while touring. Regret at having to leave certain places, people and situations, or just a beautiful day.” — Kiri Te Kanawa

12.“Finally here is a beautiful day, a superb sun like at Giverny. So I worked without stopping, for the tide at this moment is just as I need it for several motifs. This has bucked me up a bit.” — Claude Monet

Beautiful Day Quotes

13.“We are extremely uncomfortable with the spiritual aspects of gardening, and yet most people feel it in some form or other, even if it's a sense of connection to the greater world on a beautiful day.” — Monty Don

14.“Nothing beats a jog, and perhaps a push-up or two, by the ocean on a beautiful day.” — Ser'Daruis Blain

15.“I was accustomed to being in far, far riskier environments. So I thought going into that canyon was a walk in the park - there were no avalanches, it was a beautiful day and I was essentially just walking.” — Aron Ralston

16.“I remember... seeing the first plane go into the towers and thinking: 'It's a beautiful day. Somebody really must have gotten off course to have the plane go into the towers.” — Robert Mueller

17.“Like Jermaine was saying, it's a beautiful day, and we're just glad all of this is behind us. We can go on with our lives. And Michael can go on with his life and do what he does best, and that's making good music, making his fans happy, people happy all over the world.” —  Tito Jackson

18.“It was about 105 degrees in Chicago. And that's a time when everybody gets tired. I came into the clubhouse, and everybody was sitting around, and I said, 'Beautiful day. Let's play two!' And everybody looked at me like I was crazy. There were a couple of writers around, and they wrote that, and it stayed with me.” — Ernie Banks

19.“I'm really not a fascist. Everyone wears what they feel great in, or comfortable with. It's a beautiful day, you have an arm-less shirt: it goes with flip-flops.” — Christian Louboutin

20.“I tend to be so lost in the work that I don't notice the weather. My partner will come home and say, 'Beautiful day, wasn't it?' and I'll say, 'Was it?' as I won't have noticed the real world at all.” — Emma Donoghue

21.“I remember the N64 coming out. That was a beautiful day.” — Rich Moore

22.“It's a beautiful day, and I can't stop myself from smiling!” — Michael Buble

23.“Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life.” — Mark Twain

24.“Enjoy your life today because yesterday had gone and tomorrow may never come” — Alan Coren

Beautiful Day Quotes

25.“Every sunrise gives you a new beginning and a new ending. Let this morning be a new beginning to a better relationship and a new ending to the bad memories. Its an opportunity to enjoy life, breathe freely, think and love. Be grateful for this beautiful day.” — Norton Juster

26.“It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, I feel good, and no one's gonna stop me now.” — Freddie Mercury

27.“I am grateful for being alive today. It is my joy and pleasure to live another wonderful day. — Louise Hay

28.“Every day I feel is a blessing from God. And I consider it a new beginning. Yeah, everything is beautiful.”             — Prince

29.“Even the most beautiful days eventually have their sunsets.” — Unknown

30.“Everyday is a beautiful day, Everything is pleasing” — John Cage

31.“Riches, prestige, everything can be lost. But the happiness in your heart can only be dimmed; it will always be there as long as you live, to make you happy again. Whenever you're feeling lonely or sad, try going to the loft on a beautiful day and looking outside. Not at the houses and the rooftops, but at the sky. As long as you can look fearlessly at the sky, you'll know that your pure within and will find happiness once more.” — Anne Frank

32.“I believe the angels listen, God hears us pray. And I believe in a beautiful day.” — Chris Isaak

33.“The day you catch an idea you fall in love with, even a small one, is a beautiful day.” — David Lynch

34.“Today I begin a new life for I am the master of my abilities and today is going to be a great and beautiful day!”   — Tyrese Gibson

35.“These beautiful days ... do not exist as mere pictures - maps hung upon the walls of memory to brighten at times when touched by association or will ... They saturate themselves into every part of the body and live always.”            — John Muir

36.“Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day.” — Dalai Lama

Beautiful Day Quotes

37.“The most beautiful sea hasn't been crossed yet. The most beautiful child hasn't grown up yet. The most beautiful days we haven't seen yet. And the most beautiful words I wanted to tell you I haven't said yet.” —Nazim Hikmet

38.“A beautiful day with the buoyancy of a bird.” — Trauman Capote

39.“It was such a beautiful day I decided to stay in bed.” — W. Somerset Maugham

40.“Make a habit to remember God in your perfectly beautiful days because in bad days even atheists do remember Him!” — Mehmet Murat Ildan

41.“To succeed, planning alone is insufficient. One must improvise as well.” — Isaac Asimov

42.“It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day for a neighbor. Would you be mine; could you be mine?” — Fred Rogers

43.“Things like that happen all the time in this great big world of ours. It's like taking a boat out on a beautiful lake on a beautiful day and thinking both the sky and the lake are beautiful. So stop eating yourself up alive. Things will go where they're supposed to go if you just let them take their natural course.” — Haruki Murakami

44.“These are beautiful days. Folks ask what I'm doing. I tell them I'm doing family.” — Leonard Nimoy

45.“You can put up with everything in this world except not with a long stretch of beautiful days.” — Johan Wolfgang Von Goethe

46.“On a beautiful day like this it would be best to stay in bed so you wouldn't get up and spoil it!” — Charles M. Schulz

47.“Fountain of Love my source is in thee - Loving thy will my spirit is free - Beautiful day when all of us see - The hope of the world is Love!” — Peace Pilgim

48.“It's a beautiful day for a night game.” — Frankie Frisch

49.“The crickets felt it was their duty to warn everybody that summertime cannot last for ever. Even on the most beautiful days in the whole year - the days when summer is changing into autumn - the crickets spread the rumor of sadness and change.” — E.B White

50.“The day that I die will be by far the most beautiful day I ever lived.” — Catherine McNiel

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Best of Beautiful Day Quotes

“Today I begin a new life for I am the master of my abilities and today is going to be a great and beautiful day!”   — Tyrese Gibson
“I believe the angels listen, God hears us pray. And I believe in a beautiful day.” — Chris Isaak
“I am grateful for being alive today. It is my joy and pleasure to live another wonderful day. — Louise Hay

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