“A Speedman is racing towards the chopper, getting shot repeatedly... " SURVIVE"! ” — Kirk Lazarus. Here are 40 Best Tropic Thunder Quotes.

Tropic Thunder Quotes

1.“(speaking about Simple Jack) You went full retard man, never go full stupid.” — Kirk Lazarus

2.“I know who I am! I'm a dude playing the dude, disguised as another dude!” — Kirk Lazarus

3.“As for why I'm in this movie, maybe I just knew I had to represent. Cause they one good part in this movie for a Black man and they gave it to Crocodile Dundee.” — Alpa Chino

4.“Pump your brakes, kid. That man's a national treasure.” — Kirk Lazarus

5.“I just wanted to throw another shrimp on your Barbie.” —  Alpa Chino

6.“You know that's a true story? Lady lost her kid. You about to cross a f*cking line.” — Lazarus

7.“What, Alpa Chino? He's like ten girls deep, 24/7.” — Kevin Sandusky

8.“I'm just f*cking with you, Kangaroo Jack. I'm sorry if a dingo ate yo baby.” — Alpa Chino

9.“Man were lost, were super lost! ” — Kirk Lazarus

10.“I was wrong! Blow the bridge! Blow the f**k**g bridge. ” — Tugg Speedman

Tropic Thunder Quotes

11.“Hell nah, I ain't pee on that girl. No no listen, here's the story she was peeing she walked past. ” — Alpha Chino

12.“I don't read script. The script reads me.” — Kirk Lazarus

13.“Shut the f*** up and let me do my job! ” — Les Grossman

14.“Me? I know who I am. I'm a dude playing dude disguised as a not.” — Kirk Lazarus

15.“I don't know what kind of gun this is. I only know the sound man it makes when it kills a man.” — Four Leaf Tayback

16.“I just corn syrup you guys! Blood flavored... corn syrup.” — Tugg Speedman

17.“This walkie talkie goes to the helicopter, and the helicopter is God. And I am Jesus Christ. And you are my chosen deciples.” — Damien Cockburn

18.“Speed man is a dying star a white dwarf heading for a black role that's physics its inveditible.” — Les Grossman

19.“We've been handed an incredible opportunity here... ” — Studio Executive Rob Slolom

20.“The universe... is talking to us right now. You just gotta listen. [turns on Flo Rider's 'Low' and begins to dance to the beat] ” — Les Grossman

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Tropic Thunder Quotes

21.“A Speedman is racing towards the chopper, getting shot repeatedly... " SURVIVE"! ” — Kirk Lazarus

22.“That's what that playin' God stuff was about, trying to get us to act good to save the movie. ” — Tugg Speedman

23.“My farm? Here's my motherf*****g farm! I'm a lead farmer, motherf****r! " — Kirk Lazarus

25.“I'll cradle the balls, stroke the shaft, work the pipe, and swallow the gravy. get it over here, buddy. Let's do this. ” — Jeff Portnoy

26.“I need some dudes up here that speak American, God damn it. He's making a f***ing sweater back here. I'm trying to put tiger balm on the jungles nuts. ” — Cody

27.“Goodbye mama, now you can have ice cream in heaven! I'll see you again tonight when i go to bed in my head movies. But this head movie makes my eyes rain! ” — Tugg Speedman

28.“Yo tuggernuts! It's the pec*er! ” — Rick Peck

29.“You kick in the door to my house all ants in your pants, sucking my left nut to get a Tivo scrap for the the 3rd runner-up 'sexiest man alive' 1998... And you're asking if I'm serious? ” — Les Grossman

30.“Preferably before the end of the fiscal year. Actually, the claim alone would net us more tha movie would lose. ” — Studio Executive Rob Slolom

Tropic Thunder Quotes

31.“And we'll weep for him...in the press. set up a scholarship in his name, eventually ad I'm talking away, way down the road, we file an insurance claim. ” — Les Grossman

32.“Or are you a dude who has no idea what dude he is and claims to know what dude he is? ” — Tugg Speedman

33.“Same thing happened to me when I played Neil Armstrong in Moonshot. They found me in an alley in Burbank trying to re-enter the earth’s atmosphere in an old refrigerator box.” — Kirk Lazarus

34.“This is insane. Are you really going to abandon this movie? We're supposed to be a unit!” — Tugg Speedman

35.“Wow. 8 Oscars, 400 million dollars, and you saved Tugg Speedman’s career.” — Studio Executive Rob Slolom

36.“ I have a son now. Little Half Squat.” — Tugg Speedman

37.“No, d*ck*ead Of course I could. A nutless monkey could do your job.” — Les Grossman

38.“We no get money yet. Price now 100 million. You pay now, or tomorrow Simple Jack Die!” — Byong

39.“So, what’s the plan, man? You gonna talk Vietnamese to those dudes?” —  Jeff Portnoy

40.“Now, if you recall that whole hullabaloo where Hollywood was split into schisms, some studios backing Blu-ray disc, others backing HD DVD. People thought it would come down to pixel rate or refresh rate, and they’re pretty much the same. What it came down to was a combination between gamers and p**n. Now, whichever format p**no backs is usually the one that becomes the uh most successful. But, you know, Sony, every PlayStation 3 has a Blu-ray in it.” — Kevin Sandusky

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Best of Tropic Thunder Quotes

“And we'll weep for him...in the press. set up a scholarship in his name, eventually ad I'm talking away, way down the road, we file an insurance claim. ” — Les Grossman
“Goodbye mama, now you can have ice cream in heaven! I'll see you again tonight when i go to bed in my head movies. But this head movie makes my eyes rain! ” — Tugg Speedman
“We've been handed an incredible opportunity here... ” — Studio Executive Rob Slolom

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