“Social media is about sociology and psychology more than technology.” —Brian Solis. Here are 50 Informative Social Media Quotes.
Social Media Quotes
1.“Social media is not a media. The key is to listen, engage, and build relationships.”— David Alston
2.“Think about what people are doing on Facebook today. They’re keeping up with their friends and family, but they’re also building an image and identity for themselves, which in a sense is their brand. They’re connecting with the audience that they want to connect to. It’s almost a disadvantage if you’re not on it now.” — Mark Zuckerberg
3.“Social media is the ultimate equalizer. It gives a voice and a platform to anyone willing to engage.” — Amy Jo Martin
4.“Social marketing eliminates the middlemen, providing brands the unique opportunity to have a direct relationship with their customers.” — Bryan Weiner
5.“You don’t need a corporation or a marketing company to brand you now: you can do it yourself. You can establish who you are with a social media following.” — Ray Allen
6.“The first rule of social media is that everything changes all the time. What won’t change is the community’s desire to network.” — Kami Huyse
7.“Social media allows big companies to act small again” — Jay Baer
8.“Social media will help you build up loyalty of your current customers to the point that they will willingly, and for free, tell others about you.” — Bonnie Sainsbury
9.“Pushing a company agenda on social media is like throwing water balloons at a porcupine” — Erik Qualman
10.“Social media is about sociology and psychology more than technology.” —Brian Solis
11.“Content is fire. Social media is gasoline.” — Jay Baer
12.“Social Media can provide a conversational extension to a B2B company’s nurturing programs. Social Media gives us the opportunity to humanize our communications and make our companies more approachable” — Ardath Albee
Social Media Quotes
13.“Social media creates communities, not markets.” — Don Schultz
14.“Social media is a contact sport” —Margaret Molloy
15.“Social Media puts the “public” into PR and the “market” into marketing” — Chris Brogan
16.“Just as you don’t need to be on every single TV channel, I don’t believe a brand needs to be on every single social media in one big way” —Shiv Singh
17.“Social media is here. It’s not going away; not a passing fad. Be where your customers are: in social media” — Lori Ruff
18.“How do you know your content’s relevant? Increased social traffic, engagement & quality leads” —Jason Miller
19.“Build it, and they will come” only works in the movies. Social Media is a “build it, nurture it, engage them, and they may come and stay.” — Seth Godin
20.“Social Media is about the people! Not about your business. Provide for the people and the people will provide for you.” — Matt Goulart
21.“When creating a social media campaign, make sure you know your audience well.” — Liz Azyan
22.“The qualities that make Twitter seem insane and half-baked are what makes it so powerful.” —Jonathan Zittrain
23.“Why are we trying to measure social media like a traditional channel, anyway? Social media touches every facet of business and is more an extension of good business ethics.” — Erik Qualmann
24.“The beauty of social media is that it will point out your company’s flaws; the key questions is how quickly you address these flaws.” — Erik Qualmann
Social Media Quotes
25.“I get a 100% email open rate,’ said nobody ever. All the more reason to place Facebook ads targeting your own email list” — Mari Smith
26.“Social media success formula: Content + Engagement + Conversion. Rinse. Repeat.” — Mari Smith
27.“You are what you tweet” — Alex Tew
28.“In Social Media, the “squeaky wheel” gets the oil. You have to put yourself out there, to find people who will relate or even debate with you, depending on what you are looking for.” — Jessica Northey
29.“You can’t tiptoe into social media. You have to jump into the pool. People have a natural fear of it. But the scary part is not being there. Your customer is already there.” — Dave Saunders
30.“The next time you hear a social media myth, question it. Ask for the proof and ask out loud.” — Dan Zarrella
31.“Sell-sell-sell sales methods simply do not work on social media unless you are a major brand, and even then, they are discovering that this is less and less effective every day.” — Kim Garst
32.“The way you treat your users or customers, and how you personally present yourself through social media, is a way to differentiate yourself from your competitors.” — Alexis Ohanian
33.“The goal of social media is to turn customers into your personal evangelist.” — Shane Barker
34.“By monitoring the activity taking place on social networks, retailers can amplify successful marketing and sales strategies and avoid weak tactics which can later be tied back to organizational objectives.” —Ryan Holmes
35.“Too many brands treat social media as a one way, broadcast channel, rather than a two-way dialogue through which emotional storytelling can be transferred” — Simon Mainwaring
36.“When you give everyone a voice and give people power, the system usually ends up in a really good place.” —Mark Zuckerberg
Social Media Quotes
37.“The qualities that make Twitter seem insane and half-baked are what makes it so powerful.” —Jonathan Zittrain
38.“Focus on how to be social, not on how to do social.” — Jay Baer
39.“We all make mistakes. But social media can frame those mistakes and display them infinitely.” — Unknown
40.“You are what you tweet.” — Alex Tew
41.“Please Repeat: Influence is NOT Popularity!” — Brian Solis
42.“All one needs is a computer, a network connection, and a bright spark of initiative and creativity to join the economy.” — Don Tapscott
43.“I get 100% open rate’, said no one ever.” — Mari Smith
44.“By not tweeting you’re tweeting. You’re sending a message.” — Unknown
45.“People align with movements they can believe in, and it is the human, intellectual, and financial investment in genuine content that defines experiences.” —Brian Solis
46.“If what you are doing doesn’t add value, they won’t listen to you.” — Marcus Sheridan
47.“Innovation needs to be part of your culture. Consumers are transforming faster than we are, and if we don’t catch up, we’re in trouble” —Ian Schafer
48.“Privacy is dead, and social media hold the smoking gun.”— Pete Cashmore
49.“If content is king, then conversion is queen.” — John Munsell
50.“Twitter is a great place to tell the world what you’re thinking before you’ve had a chance to think about it.” — Chris Pirillo
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