“I really don't think I need buns of steel. I'd be happier with buns of cinnamon." - Ellen DeGeneres. Here are 30 Funny Workout Quotes.
Funny Workout Quotes
1. “The most annoying are those people in exceptionally good shape at the gym. I'm like 'What are you doing here? You're done.'" - Jim Gaffigan
2. “When I feel like exercising I just lie down until the feeling goes away." - Robert M. Hutchins
3. “I really don't think I need buns of steel. I'd be happier with buns of cinnamon." - Ellen DeGeneres
4. “My doctor recently told me that jogging could add years to my life. I think he was right. I feel ten years older already." - Milton Berle
5. “If it weren't for the fact that the TV set and the refrigerator are so far apart, some of us wouldn't get any exercise at all." - Joey Adams
6. “My favorite exercise at the gym would probably be judging." - Unknown
7. “I believe every human has a finite number of heartbeats. I don't intend to waste any of mine running around doing exercises." - Neil Armstrong
Funny Workout Quotes
8. “I like long walks, especially when they're taken by people who annoy me." - Fred Allen
9. “I really think that tossing and turning at night should be considered exercise!" - Unknown
10.“If only opening a Vitamin Water could be classified as working out." - Jim Gaffigan
11.“I don't exercise. If God had wanted me to bend over, he would have put diamonds on the floor." - Joan Rivers
12.“Hustle for that muscle."—Unknown
13.“Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.” – Mark Twain.
14..“ Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” – Michael Pollan
Funny Workout Quotes
15. “Unless you puke, faint or die, keep going!”— Jillian Michaels
16. “The decent method you follow is better than the perfect method you quit.” – Tim Ferris
17. “Weights Before Dates” — Unknown
18. “I win or I learn but I never lose.” – Marie Forleo
19. “Painful workouts yield gainful results. This is true of every gain. No pain, no gain.”― Haresh Sippy
20. “Stay healthy so that you can use your wealth to buy pleasures and not painkillers.”― Amit Kalantri
21. “I love my six pack so much, I protect is with a layer of fat.” — Unknown
Funny Workout Quotes
22.“Exercise is king. Nutrition is queen. Put them together and you’ve got a kingdom. ” — Jack Lalanne
23. “I train to be the best in the world on my worst day.” – Ronda Rousey
24. “Exercise should be regarded as tribute to the heart.” – Gene Tunney
25.“Get comfortable with being uncomfortable!” — Jillian Michaels
26. “My favorite exercise at the gym would probably be judging.” — Unknown
27. “I used to jog but the ice cubes kept falling out of my glass." — David Lee Roth
28.“Every time I hear the dirty word 'Exercise' I wash my mouth out with chocolate!” — Unknown
29. “I have to exercise in the morning before my brain figures out what I'm doing.” — Marsha Doble
30. “My idea of exercise is a good brisk sit. ”— Phyllis Diller
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